# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Module for configurable attributes specific to {OnStomp::Client client} objects. module OnStomp::Interfaces::ClientConfigurable # Includes {OnStomp::Interfaces::UriConfigurable} into `base` and # extends {OnStomp::Interfaces::ClientConfigurable::ClassMethods} # @param [Module] base def self.included(base) base.__send__ :include, OnStomp::Interfaces::UriConfigurable base.extend ClassMethods end # Provides attribute methods for {OnStomp::Client client} objects. module ClassMethods # Creates a readable and writeable attribute with the given name that # defaults to the {OnStomp::Connections.supported supported} protocol # versions and is {OnStomp::Connections.select_supported filtered} to # those versions when assigned. Corresponds to which protocol versions # should be used for a given client's connection. # @param [Symbol] nm name of attribute def attr_configurable_protocols nm attr_configurable_arr(nm, :default => OnStomp::Connections.supported) do |vers| OnStomp::Connections.select_supported(vers).tap do |valid| raise OnStomp::UnsupportedProtocolVersionError, vers.inspect if valid.empty? end end end # Creates a readable and writeable attribute with the given name that # defaults to [0, 0] and is mapped to a pair of non-negative integers # when assigned. Corresponds to what heartbeating strategy should be used # for a given client's connection where [0, 0] indicates no heartbeating # should be performed. # @note This attribute is only useful with STOMP 1.1 connections. # @param [Symbol] nm name of attribute def attr_configurable_client_beats nm attr_configurable_arr(nm, :default => [0,0]) do |val| val.map { |b| bi = b.to_i; bi < 0 ? 0 : bi } end end # Creates a readable and writeable attribute with the given name that # defaults to the {OnStomp::Components::ThreadedProcessor}. Corresponds # the the class to use when create new processor instances when a client # is connected. # @param [Symbol] nm name of attribute def attr_configurable_processor nm attr_configurable_class(nm, :default => OnStomp::Components::ThreadedProcessor) end end end