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# ronin-masscan-convert 1 "2023-03-01" Ronin Masscan "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-masscan-scan - Runs masscan and outputs data as JSON or CSV or imports into the database ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-masscan scan` [options] `--` *masscan_options* ... ## DESCRIPTION Runs `masscan` and outputs data as JSON or CSV or imports into the database. ## ARGUMENTS *masscan_options* : Additional options for the `masscan` command. ## OPTIONS `--db` *NAME* : The database name to connect to. Defaults to `default` if not given. `--db-uri` *URI* : The explicit database URI to connect to (ex: `postgres://user:password@host/db`). `--db-file` *PATH* : The sqlite3 database file to use. `--sudo` : Explicitly run `masscan` under `sudo`. If the option is not given, then `sudo` will automatically be enabled if the *masscan_options* includes a privileged option (ex: `-sS`, `-O`, etc). `-o`, `--output` *FILE* : Sets the output file to save the `masscan` scan results to. May be a `.xml`, `.json`, or `.csv` file. `-F`, `--output-format` `json`|`csv` : Explicitly specify the output format to JSON or CSV. If the option is not given, the output format Will be inferred from the `--output` *FILE* file extension. `--import` : Imports the `masscan` scan results into the Ronin database. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information ## ENVIRONMENT *HOME* : The user's home directory. *XDG_CONFIG_HOME* : Alternate location for the `~/.config` directory. *XDG_DATA_HOME* : Alternate location for the `~/.local/share` directory. ## FILES `~/.local/share/ronin-db/database.sqlite3` : The default sqlite3 database file. `~/.config/ronin-db/database.yml` : Optional database configuration. ## EXAMPLES Port scans `` and save the scan results to a JSON file: $ ronin-masscan scan -o scan.json -- -p80,443,... Service scans `` and saves the scan results to the Ronin database: $ ronin-masscan scan --import -- -p80,443,... ## AUTHOR Postmodern <>
Version data entries
3 entries across 3 versions & 1 rubygems
Version | Path |
ronin-masscan-0.1.1 | man/ |
ronin-masscan-0.1.0 | man/ |
ronin-masscan-0.1.0.rc1 | man/ |