# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: strong # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/globalid/all/globalid.rbi # # globalid-0.4.2 module URI end class URI::GID < URI::Generic def app; end def check_host(host); end def check_path(path); end def check_scheme(scheme); end def model_id; end def model_name; end def params; end def parse_query_params(query); end def query=(query); end def self.build(args); end def self.create(app, model, params = nil); end def self.parse(uri); end def self.validate_app(app); end def set_model_components(path, validate = nil); end def set_params(params); end def set_path(path); end def set_query(query); end def to_s; end def validate_component(component); end def validate_model_id(model_id, model_name); end end class URI::GID::MissingModelIdError < URI::InvalidComponentError end class GlobalID def ==(other); end def app(*args, &block); end def eql?(other); end def find(options = nil); end def hash; end def initialize(gid, options = nil); end def model_class; end def model_id(*args, &block); end def model_name(*args, &block); end def params(*args, &block); end def self.app; end def self.app=(app); end def self.create(model, options = nil); end def self.eager_load!; end def self.find(gid, options = nil); end def self.parse(gid, options = nil); end def self.parse_encoded_gid(gid, options); end def self.repad_gid(gid); end def to_param; end def to_s(*args, &block); end def uri; end extend ActiveSupport::Autoload end class GlobalID::Railtie < Rails::Railtie end class SignedGlobalID < GlobalID def ==(other); end def encoded_expiration; end def expires_at; end def initialize(gid, options = nil); end def pick_expiration(options); end def purpose; end def self.expires_in; end def self.expires_in=(arg0); end def self.parse(sgid, options = nil); end def self.pick_purpose(options); end def self.pick_verifier(options); end def self.raise_if_expired(expires_at); end def self.verifier; end def self.verifier=(arg0); end def self.verify(sgid, options); end def to_h; end def to_param; end def to_s; end def verifier; end end class SignedGlobalID::ExpiredMessage < StandardError end class GlobalID::Verifier < ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier def decode(data); end def encode(data); end end module GlobalID::Identification def to_gid(options = nil); end def to_gid_param(options = nil); end def to_global_id(options = nil); end def to_sgid(options = nil); end def to_sgid_param(options = nil); end def to_signed_global_id(options = nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end