--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification rubygems_version: 0.9.2 specification_version: 1 name: tartan version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 0.2.1 date: 2007-06-13 00:00:00 +02:00 summary: A library for building text parsers require_paths: - lib email: tartan@folklogic.com homepage: http://tartan.rubyforge.com/ rubyforge_project: tartan description: A text parsing engine. The syntax is defined outside the engine as regex-based rules, in YAML or Ruby. It supports layering and multiple output types. Rules for Markdown to HTML are included, with optional layered extensions for tables and wikilinks. autorequire: default_executable: bindir: bin has_rdoc: true required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version::Requirement requirements: - - ">" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 0.0.0 version: platform: ruby signing_key: cert_chain: post_install_message: authors: - Larry Baltz and David B. Anderson files: - History.txt - MIT-LICENSE - Manifest.txt - README.txt - Rakefile - TODO - lib/core_ext.rb - lib/core_ext/array.rb - lib/core_ext/file.rb - lib/core_ext/hash.rb - lib/core_ext/match_data.rb - lib/core_ext/module.rb - lib/core_ext/regexp.rb - lib/core_ext/symbolize.rb - lib/tartan.rb - lib/tartan/attribute/attribute.yml - lib/tartan/attribute/rules.rb - lib/tartan/markdown.rb - lib/tartan/markdown/markdown.yml - lib/tartan/markdown/rules.rb - lib/tartan/table/rules.rb - lib/tartan/table/table.yml - lib/tartan/test/base_rules.rb - lib/tartan/test/test_base.yml - lib/tartan/test/wiki-test.rb - lib/tartan/wiki_rule.rb - lib/tartan/wikilink/rules.rb - lib/tartan/wikilink/wikilink.yml - test/test-combo.rb - test/test-combo.yml - test/test-hash.rb - test/test-markdown-and-wikilink.rb - test/test-markdown-and-wikilink.yml - test/test-markdown-table-attribute.rb - test/test-markdown-table-attribute.yml - test/test-markdown.rb - test/test-markdown.yml - test/test-match-data.rb - test/test-readme-example.rb - test/test-regexp.rb - test/test-tables.rb - test/test-tables.yml - test/test-tartan.rb - test/test-wikilink.rb - test/test-wikilink.yml - test/wikilink-test-helper.rb test_files: - test/test-combo.rb - test/test-hash.rb - test/test-markdown-and-wikilink.rb - test/test-markdown-table-attribute.rb - test/test-markdown.rb - test/test-match-data.rb - test/test-readme-example.rb - test/test-regexp.rb - test/test-tables.rb - test/test-tartan.rb - test/test-wikilink.rb rdoc_options: [] extra_rdoc_files: [] executables: [] extensions: [] requirements: [] dependencies: - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency name: hoe version_requirement: version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Version::Requirement requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 1.2.0 version: