# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require_relative '../content/common' require 'hexapdf/document' require 'hexapdf/layout/text_fragment' # Numeric values were manually calculated using the information from the AFM file. describe HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment do before do @doc = HexaPDF::Document.new @font = @doc.fonts.add("Times", custom_encoding: true) end def setup_fragment(items, text_rise = 0) style = HexaPDF::Layout::Style.new(font: @font, font_size: 20, horizontal_scaling: 200, character_spacing: 1, word_spacing: 2, text_rise: text_rise) @fragment = HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment.new(items, style) end describe "create" do it "creates a TextFragment from text and options" do frag = HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment.create("Tom", font: @font, font_size: 20, font_features: {kern: true}) assert_equal(4, frag.items.length) assert_equal(36.18, frag.width) assert_equal(13.66 + 4.34, frag.height) end it "creates a TextFragment from text and a Style object" do style = HexaPDF::Layout::Style.new(font: @font) frag = HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment.create("Tom", style) assert_equal(style, frag.style) end end describe "initialize" do before do @items = @font.decode_utf8("Tom") end it "can use a Style object" do style = HexaPDF::Layout::Style.new(font: @font, font_size: 20) frag = HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment.new(@items, style) assert_equal(20, frag.style.font_size) end it "can use style options" do frag = HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment.new(@items, font: @font, font_size: 20) assert_equal(20, frag.style.font_size) end end it "returns :text for valign" do assert_equal(:text, setup_fragment([]).valign) end describe "draw" do def setup_with_style(**styles) setup_fragment(@font.decode_utf8('H'), 2) styles.each {|name, value| @fragment.style.send(name, value) } @canvas = @doc.pages.add.canvas @fragment.draw(@canvas, 10, 15) end def assert_draw_operators(*args, front: [], middle: args, back: []) ops = [ *front, [:set_font_and_size, [:F1, 20]], [:set_horizontal_scaling, [200]], [:set_character_spacing, [1]], [:set_word_spacing, [2]], [:set_text_rise, [2]], *middle, [:begin_text], [:set_text_matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 15]], [:show_text, ['!']], *back, ].compact assert_operators(@canvas.contents, ops) end it "draws text onto the canvas" do setup_with_style assert_draw_operators end it "doesn't set the text properties if instructed to do so" do setup_fragment([]) @canvas = @doc.pages.add.canvas @fragment.draw(@canvas, 10, 15, ignore_text_properties: true) assert_operators(@canvas.contents, [[:begin_text], [:set_text_matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 15]]]) end describe "uses an appropriate text position setter" do before do setup_fragment([]) @canvas = @doc.pages.add.canvas end it "with text leading graphics state" do @canvas.begin_text.leading(10) @fragment.draw(@canvas, 0, -10, ignore_text_properties: true) assert_operators(@canvas.contents, [[:begin_text], [:set_leading, [10]], [:move_text_next_line]]) end it "only horizontal movement" do @fragment.draw(@canvas, 20, 0, ignore_text_properties: true) assert_operators(@canvas.contents, [[:begin_text], [:move_text, [20, 0]]]) end it "only vertical movement" do @fragment.draw(@canvas, 0, 10, ignore_text_properties: true) assert_operators(@canvas.contents, [[:begin_text], [:move_text, [0, 10]]]) end it "horizontal and vertical movement" do @fragment.draw(@canvas, 10, 10, ignore_text_properties: true) assert_operators(@canvas.contents, [[:begin_text], [:set_text_matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 10]]]) end end it "draws styled filled text" do setup_with_style(fill_color: 0.5, fill_alpha: 0.5) assert_draw_operators([:set_graphics_state_parameters, [:GS1]], [:set_device_gray_non_stroking_color, [0.5]]) assert_equal({Type: :ExtGState, CA: 1, ca: 0.5}, @canvas.resources[:ExtGState][:GS1]) end it "draws style stroked text" do setup_with_style(text_rendering_mode: :stroke, stroke_color: [1.0, 0, 0], stroke_alpha: 0.5, stroke_width: 2, stroke_cap_style: :round, stroke_join_style: :round, stroke_miter_limit: 5, stroke_dash_pattern: [1, 2, 3]) assert_draw_operators([:set_text_rendering_mode, [1]], [:set_graphics_state_parameters, [:GS1]], [:set_device_rgb_stroking_color, [1, 0, 0]], [:set_line_width, [2]], [:set_line_cap_style, [1]], [:set_line_join_style, [1]], [:set_miter_limit, [5]], [:set_line_dash_pattern, [[1, 2, 3], 0]]) assert_equal({Type: :ExtGState, CA: 0.5, ca: 1}, @canvas.resources[:ExtGState][:GS1]) end it "invokes the underlays" do setup_with_style(underlays: [proc { @canvas.stroke_color(0.5) }]) assert_draw_operators(front: [[:save_graphics_state], [:concatenate_matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 15 + @fragment.y_min]], [:save_graphics_state], [:set_device_gray_stroking_color, [0.5]], [:restore_graphics_state], [:restore_graphics_state]]) end it "invokes the overlays" do setup_with_style(overlays: [proc { @canvas.stroke_color(0.5) }]) assert_draw_operators(back: [[:end_text], [:save_graphics_state], [:concatenate_matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 15 + @fragment.y_min]], [:save_graphics_state], [:set_device_gray_stroking_color, [0.5]], [:restore_graphics_state], [:restore_graphics_state]]) end it "draws the underline" do setup_with_style(underline: true, text_rendering_mode: :stroke, stroke_width: 5, stroke_color: [0.5], stroke_cap_style: :round, stroke_dash_pattern: 5) assert_draw_operators(middle: [[:set_text_rendering_mode, [1]], [:set_device_gray_stroking_color, [0.5]], [:set_line_width, [5]], [:set_line_cap_style, [1]], [:set_line_dash_pattern, [[5], 0]]], back: [[:end_text], [:save_graphics_state], [:set_device_gray_stroking_color, [0]], [:set_line_width, [@fragment.style.calculated_underline_thickness]], [:set_line_cap_style, [0]], [:set_line_dash_pattern, [[], 0]], [:move_to, [10, 15]], [:line_to, [40.88, 15]], [:stroke_path], [:restore_graphics_state]]) end it "draws the strikeout line" do setup_with_style(strikeout: true, text_rendering_mode: :stroke, stroke_width: 5, stroke_color: [0.5], stroke_cap_style: :round, stroke_dash_pattern: 5) assert_draw_operators(middle: [[:set_text_rendering_mode, [1]], [:set_device_gray_stroking_color, [0.5]], [:set_line_width, [5]], [:set_line_cap_style, [1]], [:set_line_dash_pattern, [[5], 0]]], back: [[:end_text], [:save_graphics_state], [:set_device_gray_stroking_color, [0]], [:set_line_width, [@fragment.style.calculated_strikeout_thickness]], [:set_line_cap_style, [0]], [:set_line_dash_pattern, [[], 0]], [:move_to, [10, 21.01]], [:line_to, [40.88, 21.01]], [:stroke_path], [:restore_graphics_state]]) end end describe "empty fragment" do before do setup_fragment([]) end it "calculates the x_min" do assert_equal(0, @fragment.x_min) end it "calculates the x_max" do assert_equal(0, @fragment.x_max) end it "calculates the y_min" do assert_equal(-4.34, @fragment.y_min) end it "calculates the y_max" do assert_equal(13.66, @fragment.y_max) end it "calculates the width" do assert_equal(0, @fragment.width) end it "calculates the height" do assert_equal(13.66 + 4.34, @fragment.height) end end describe "normal text" do before do setup_fragment(@font.decode_utf8("Hal lo").insert(2, -35).insert(1, -10)) end it "calculates the x_min" do assert_in_delta(0.76, @fragment.x_min) end it "calculates the x_max" do assert_in_delta(116.68 - 1.2 - 2, @fragment.x_max) end it "calculates the exact y_min" do assert_in_delta(-0.2, @fragment.exact_y_min) end it "calculates the exact y_max" do assert_in_delta(13.66, @fragment.exact_y_max) end it "calculates the y_min" do assert_in_delta(-4.34, @fragment.y_min) end it "calculates the y_max" do assert_in_delta(13.66, @fragment.y_max) end it "calculates the width" do assert_in_delta(116.68, @fragment.width) end it "calculates the height" do assert_in_delta(13.66 + 4.34, @fragment.height) end end describe "with a positive text rise" do before do setup_fragment(@font.decode_utf8("l,"), 4) end it "calculates the y_min" do assert_in_delta(-4.34 + 4, @fragment.y_min) end it "calculates the y_max" do assert_in_delta(13.66 + 4, @fragment.y_max) end it "calculates the height" do assert_in_delta(13.66 + 4 + 0.34, @fragment.height) end end describe "with a negative text rise" do before do setup_fragment(@font.decode_utf8("l,"), -15) end it "calculates the y_min" do assert_in_delta(-4.34 - 15, @fragment.y_min) end it "calculates the y_max" do assert_in_delta(13.66 - 15, @fragment.y_max) end it "calculates the height" do assert_in_delta(4.34 + 15, @fragment.height) end end describe "with a glyph without outline as last item" do before do setup_fragment(@font.decode_utf8("H ")) end it "calculates the x_max" do assert_in_delta(46.88 - 2 - 4, @fragment.x_max) end it "calculates the width" do assert_in_delta(46.88, @fragment.width) end end describe "with a glyph with x_min < 0 and x_max > width as first and last item" do before do setup_fragment(@font.decode_utf8("\u{2044}o\u{2044}".unicode_normalize(:nfd))) end it "calculates the x_min" do assert_in_delta(-6.72, @fragment.x_min) end it "calculates the x_max" do assert_in_delta(39.36 + 6.56 - 2, @fragment.x_max) end it "calculates the width" do assert_in_delta(39.36, @fragment.width) end end describe "with positive kerning values as first and last items" do before do setup_fragment([100, 100] + @font.decode_utf8("Hallo") + [100, 100]) end it "calculates the x_min" do assert_in_delta(-7.24, @fragment.x_min) end it "calculates the x_max" do assert_in_delta(82.88 - 1.2 - 2 - -4 - -4, @fragment.x_max) end it "calculates the width" do assert_in_delta(82.88, @fragment.width) end end it "can be inspected" do frag = setup_fragment(@font.decode_utf8("H")) assert_match(/:H/, frag.inspect) end end