module Haml module Helpers # This module overrides Haml helpers to work properly # in the context of ActionView. # Currently it's only used for modifying the helpers # to work with Rails' XSS protection methods. module XssMods def self.included(base) %w[html_escape find_and_preserve preserve list_of surround precede succeed capture_haml haml_concat haml_indent haml_tag escape_once].each do |name| base.send(:alias_method, "#{name}_without_haml_xss", name) base.send(:alias_method, name, "#{name}_with_haml_xss") end end # Don't escape text that's already safe, # output is always HTML safe def html_escape_with_haml_xss(text) str = text.to_s return text if str.html_safe? Haml::Util.html_safe(html_escape_without_haml_xss(str)) end # Output is always HTML safe def find_and_preserve_with_haml_xss(*args, &block) Haml::Util.html_safe(find_and_preserve_without_haml_xss(*args, &block)) end # Output is always HTML safe def preserve_with_haml_xss(*args, &block) Haml::Util.html_safe(preserve_without_haml_xss(*args, &block)) end # Output is always HTML safe def list_of_with_haml_xss(*args, &block) Haml::Util.html_safe(list_of_without_haml_xss(*args, &block)) end # Input is escaped, output is always HTML safe def surround_with_haml_xss(front, back = front, &block) Haml::Util.html_safe( surround_without_haml_xss( haml_xss_html_escape(front), haml_xss_html_escape(back), &block)) end # Input is escaped, output is always HTML safe def precede_with_haml_xss(str, &block) Haml::Util.html_safe(precede_without_haml_xss(haml_xss_html_escape(str), &block)) end # Input is escaped, output is always HTML safe def succeed_with_haml_xss(str, &block) Haml::Util.html_safe(succeed_without_haml_xss(haml_xss_html_escape(str), &block)) end # Output is always HTML safe def capture_haml_with_haml_xss(*args, &block) Haml::Util.html_safe(capture_haml_without_haml_xss(*args, &block)) end # Input is escaped def haml_concat_with_haml_xss(text = "") raw = instance_variable_defined?('@_haml_concat_raw') ? @_haml_concat_raw : false haml_concat_without_haml_xss(raw ? text : haml_xss_html_escape(text)) end # Output is always HTML safe def haml_indent_with_haml_xss Haml::Util.html_safe(haml_indent_without_haml_xss) end # Input is escaped, haml_concat'ed output is always HTML safe def haml_tag_with_haml_xss(name, *rest, &block) name = haml_xss_html_escape(name.to_s) rest.unshift(haml_xss_html_escape(rest.shift.to_s)) unless [Symbol, Hash, NilClass].any? {|t| rest.first.is_a? t} with_raw_haml_concat {haml_tag_without_haml_xss(name, *rest, &block)} end # Output is always HTML safe def escape_once_with_haml_xss(*args) Haml::Util.html_safe(escape_once_without_haml_xss(*args)) end private # Escapes the HTML in the text if and only if # Rails XSS protection is enabled *and* the `:escape_html` option is set. def haml_xss_html_escape(text) return text unless Haml::Util.rails_xss_safe? && haml_buffer.options[:escape_html] html_escape(text) end end class ErrorReturn # Any attempt to treat ErrorReturn as a string should cause it to blow up. alias_method :html_safe, :to_s alias_method :html_safe?, :to_s alias_method :html_safe!, :to_s end end end module ActionView module Helpers module CaptureHelper def with_output_buffer_with_haml_xss(*args, &block) res = with_output_buffer_without_haml_xss(*args, &block) case res when Array; {|s| Haml::Util.html_safe(s)} when String; Haml::Util.html_safe(res) else; res end end alias_method :with_output_buffer_without_haml_xss, :with_output_buffer alias_method :with_output_buffer, :with_output_buffer_with_haml_xss end module FormTagHelper def form_tag_with_haml_xss(*args, &block) res = form_tag_without_haml_xss(*args, &block) res = Haml::Util.html_safe(res) unless block_given? res end alias_method :form_tag_without_haml_xss, :form_tag alias_method :form_tag, :form_tag_with_haml_xss end module FormHelper def form_for_with_haml_xss(*args, &block) res = form_for_without_haml_xss(*args, &block) return Haml::Util.html_safe(res) if res.is_a?(String) return res end alias_method :form_for_without_haml_xss, :form_for alias_method :form_for, :form_for_with_haml_xss end module TextHelper def concat_with_haml_xss(string) if is_haml? haml_buffer.buffer.concat(haml_xss_html_escape(string)) else concat_without_haml_xss(string) end end alias_method :concat_without_haml_xss, :concat alias_method :concat, :concat_with_haml_xss def safe_concat_with_haml_xss(string) if is_haml? haml_buffer.buffer.concat(string) else safe_concat_without_haml_xss(string) end end alias_method :safe_concat_without_haml_xss, :safe_concat alias_method :safe_concat, :safe_concat_with_haml_xss end end end