module SimpleColor module Colorer # Regular expression to scan if there is a clear ANSI effect CLEAR = "\e\[0m" CLEAR_REGEXP = /\e\[0m/ # Regular expression that is used to scan for ANSI-sequences ANSICOLOR_REGEXP = /\e\[(?:[\d;]*)m/ COLOR_REGEXP = /#{ANSICOLOR_REGEXP}+/ COLORMATCH_REGEXP = /#{ANSICOLOR_REGEXP}*/ #Originally stolen from the paint gem. #See also # Basic colors (often, the color differs when using the bright effect) # Final color will be 30 + value for foreground and 40 + value for background # 90+value for intense foreground, 100+value for intense background ANSI_COLORS = { :black => 0, :red => 1, :green => 2, :yellow => 3, :blue => 4, :magenta => 5, :cyan => 6, :white => 7, :default => 9, } ANSI_COLORS_FOREGROUND = Hash[ {|k,v| [k, 30+v]}] ANSI_COLORS_BACKGROUND = Hash[ {|k,v| [:"on_#{k}", 40+v]}] # aixterm (not standard) ANSI_COLORS_INTENSE_FOREGROUND = Hash[ {|k,v| [:"intense_#{k}", 90+v]}] ANSI_COLORS_INTENSE_BACKGROUND = Hash[ {|k,v| [:"on_intense_#{k}", 100+v]}] ANSI_EFFECTS = { :reset => 0, :nothing => 0, # usually supported :clear => 0, :normal => 0, # usually supported :bright => 1, :bold => 1, # usually supported :faint => 2, :italic => 3, :underline => 4, # usually supported :blink => 5, :slow_blink => 5, :rapid_blink => 6, :inverse => 7, :reverse => 7, :swap => 7, # usually supported :conceal => 8, :hide => 8, :crossed => 9, :crossed_out => 9, :default_font => 10, :font0 => 10, :font1 => 11, :font2 => 12, :font3 => 13, :font4 => 14, :font5 => 15, :font6 => 16, :font7 => 17, :font8 => 18, :font9 => 19, :fraktur => 20, :bright_off => 21, :bold_off => 21, :double_underline => 21, :clean => 22, :regular => 22, #neither bold or faint :italic_off => 23, :fraktur_off => 23, :underline_off => 24, :blink_off => 25, :inverse_off => 26, :positive => 26, :conceal_off => 27, :show => 27, :reveal => 27, :crossed_off => 29, :crossed_out_off => 29, :frame => 51, :framed => 51, :encircle => 52, :encircled => 52, :overline => 53, :overlined => 53, :frame_off => 54, :encircle_off => 54, :framed_off => 54, :encircled_off => 54, :overline_off => 55, :overlined_off => 55, } #attributes that can be specified to the color method COLORS = [ANSI_EFFECTS,ANSI_COLORS_FOREGROUND, ANSI_COLORS_BACKGROUND, ANSI_COLORS_INTENSE_FOREGROUND, ANSI_COLORS_INTENSE_BACKGROUND].inject({}){ |a,b| a.merge(b) } end end