module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class CashnetGateway < Gateway include Empty self.live_url = '' self.test_url = '' self.supported_countries = ['US'] self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover diners_club jcb] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Cashnet' self.money_format = :dollars self.max_retries = 0 # Creates a new CashnetGateway # # ==== Options # # * <tt>:merchant</tt> -- Gateway Merchant (REQUIRED) # * <tt>:operator</tt> -- Operator (REQUIRED) # * <tt>:password</tt> -- Password (REQUIRED) # * <tt>:merchant_gateway_name</tt> -- Site name (REQUIRED) # * <tt>:station</tt> -- Station (defaults to "WEB") # * <tt>:custcode</tt> -- Customer code (defaults to # "ActiveMerchant/#{ActiveMerchant::VERSION}") # * <tt>:default_item_code</tt> -- Default item code (defaults to "FEE", # can be overridden on a per-transaction basis with options[:item_code]) def initialize(options = {}) requires!( options, :merchant, :operator, :password, :merchant_gateway_name ) options[:default_item_code] ||= 'FEE' super end def purchase(money, payment_object, options = {}) post = {} add_creditcard(post, payment_object) add_invoice(post, options) add_address(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) commit('SALE', money, post) end def refund(money, identification, options = {}) post = {} post[:origtx] = identification add_invoice(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) commit('REFUND', money, post) end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r{(password=)[^&]+}, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r{(cardno=)[^&]+}, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r{(cid=)[^&]+}, '\1[FILTERED]') end private def commit(action, money, fields) fields[:amount] = amount(money) url = (test? ? test_url : live_url) + CGI.escape(@options[:merchant_gateway_name]) raw_response = ssl_post(url, post_data(action, fields)) parsed_response = parse(raw_response) return unparsable_response(raw_response) unless parsed_response success = success?(parsed_response) success, CASHNET_CODES[parsed_response[:result]], parsed_response, test: test?, authorization: (success ? parsed_response[:tx] : '') ) end def success?(response) response[:result] == '0' end def post_data(action, parameters = {}) post = {} post[:command] = action post[:merchant] = @options[:merchant] post[:operator] = @options[:operator] post[:password] = @options[:password] post[:station] = (@options[:station] || 'WEB') post[:custcode] = (@options[:custcode] || "ActiveMerchant/#{ActiveMerchant::VERSION}") post.merge(parameters).collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join('&') end def add_creditcard(post, creditcard) post[:cardno] = creditcard.number post[:cid] = creditcard.verification_value post[:expdate] = expdate(creditcard) post[:card_name_g] = post[:fname] = creditcard.first_name post[:lname] = creditcard.last_name end def add_invoice(post, options) post[:order_number] = options[:order_id] if options[:order_id].present? post[:itemcode] = (options[:item_code] || @options[:default_item_code]) end def add_address(post, options) if address = (options[:shipping_address] || options[:billing_address] || options[:address]) post[:addr_g] = String(address[:address1]) + ',' + String(address[:address2]) post[:city_g] = address[:city] post[:state_g] = address[:state] post[:zip_g] = address[:zip] end end def add_customer_data(post, options) post[:email_g] = options[:email] post[:custcode] = options[:custcode] unless empty?(options[:custcode]) end def expdate(creditcard) year = format(creditcard.year, :two_digits) month = format(creditcard.month, :two_digits) "#{month}#{year}" end def parse(body) match = body.match(/<cngateway>(.*)<\/cngateway>/) return nil unless match Hash[CGI::parse(match[1]).map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v.first] }] end def handle_response(response) if (200...300).cover?(response.code.to_i) return response.body elsif response.code.to_i == 302 return ssl_get(URI.parse(response['location'])) end raise end def unparsable_response(raw_response) message = 'Unparsable response received from Cashnet. Please contact Cashnet if you continue to receive this message.' message += " (The raw response returned by the API was #{raw_response.inspect})" return, message) end CASHNET_CODES = { '0' => 'Success', '1' => 'Invalid customer code, no customer code specified', '2' => 'Invalid operator code, no operator specified', '3' => 'Invalid workstation code, no station specified', '4' => 'Invalid item code, no code specified', '5' => 'Negative amount is not allowed', '6' => 'Invalid credit card number, no credit card number provided', '7' => 'Invalid expiration date, no expiration date provided', '8' => 'Please only provide either ACH or credit card information', '9' => 'Invalid ACH account number, no account number provided', '10' => 'Invalid routing/transit number, no routing/transit number provided', '11' => 'Invalid account type, no account type provided', '12' => 'Invalid check digit for routing/transit number', '13' => 'No ACH merchant account set up for the location of the station being used', '21' => 'Invalid merchant code, no merchant code provided', '22' => 'Invalid client code, no client code provided', '23' => 'Invalid password, no password provided', '24' => 'Invalid transaction type, no transaction type provided', '25' => 'Invalid amount, amount not provided', '26' => 'Invalid payment code provided', '27' => 'Invalid version number, version not found', '31' => 'Application amount exceeds account balance', '150' => 'Invalid payment information, no payment information provided', '200' => 'Invalid command', '201' => 'Customer not on file', '205' => 'Invalid operator or password', '206' => 'Operator is not authorized for this function', '208' => 'Customer/PIN authentication unsuccessful', '209' => 'Credit card error', '211' => 'Credit card error', '212' => 'Customer/PIN not on file', '213' => 'Customer information not on file', '215' => 'Old PIN does not validate ', '221' => 'Invalid credit card processor type specified in location or payment code', '222' => 'Credit card processor error', '230' => 'Host Error (USE VOID OR REVERSAL TO REFUND UNSETTLED TRANSACTIONS)', '280' => 'SmartPay transaction not posted', '301' => 'Original transaction not found for this customer', '302' => 'Amount to refund exceeds original payment amount or is missing', '304' => 'Original credit card payment not found or corrupted', '305' => 'Refund amounts should be expressed as positive amounts', '306' => 'Original ACH payment not found', '307' => 'Original electronic payment not found', '308' => 'Invalid original transaction number, original transaction number not found', '310' => 'Refund amount exceeds amount still available for a refund', '321' => 'Store has not been implemented', '501' => 'Unable to roll over batch', '502' => 'Batch not found', '503' => 'Batch information not available', '650' => 'Invalid quick code', '651' => 'Transaction amount does not match amount specified in quick code', '652' => 'Invalid item code in the detail of the quick code', '701' => 'This website has been disabled. Please contact the system administrator.', '702' => 'Improper merchant code. Please contact the system administrator.', '703' => 'This site is temporarily down for maintenance. We regret the inconvenience. Please try again later.', '704' => 'Duplicate item violation. Please contact the system administrator.', '705' => 'An invalid reference type has been passed into the system. Please contact the system administrator', '706' => 'Items violating unique selection have been passed in. Please contact the system administrator.', '999' => 'An unexpected error has occurred. Please consult the event log.' } end end end