require 'test_helper' # We won't actually hit the web API during testing # because I don't want to distribute the API key... # and it's also poor form in unit tests. # # Therefore, we can run tests against URLs requested # and canned XML instead. Use a dummy mock object to # work this magic. class TestApi < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @api = 'DUMMYKEY' @api.send(:xml_getter=, end def test_get_divisions divs = @api.get_divisions(:search => 'bradfield') assert divs.matches.size == 2 end def test_get_debates_reps debates = @api.get_debates :search => 'blah', :type => 'representatives' assert_not_nil debates assert_not_nil assert_not_nil debates.results end def test_get_debates_senate debates = @api.get_debates :search => 'blah', :type => 'senate' assert_not_nil debates assert_not_nil assert_not_nil debates.results end def test_get_senator senator = @api.get_senator :id => 123 assert_not_nil senator assert_not_nil senator.first_name end def test_get_senators senators = @api.get_senator :id => 123 assert_not_nil senators #assert senators.count > 0 end def test_get_comments comments = @api.get_comments :search => 'asdf' assert_not_nil comments assert_not_nil comments.results #assert comments.results.count > 0 end end # mock XmlGetter implementation class DummyXmlGetter def fetch(url) if url =~ /\/(get[A-Z]\w+)\?/ function = $1 filename = case function when "getDivisions" then "division_search_2077.xml" when "getDebates" then (url =~ /senate/) ? "debate_search_senate.xml" : "debate_search_reps.xml" when "getHansard" then "hansard_utegate_search.xml" when "getRepresentatives" then "representatives_search_andrew.xml" when "getRepresentative" then "representative_abbott.xml" when "getSenator" then "senator_steve_hutchison.xml" when "getSenators" then "nsw_senators.xml" when "getComments" then "comments.xml" end absolute = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),filename) do |file| return file end else return nil end end end