require 'spec_helper' describe Conjur::Command::Roles, logged_in: true do describe "role:grant_to" do describe_command "role:grant_to test:a test:b" do it "grants the role without options" do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::Role).to receive(:grant_to).with("test:b", {}) invoke end end describe_command "role:grant_to --admin test:a test:b" do it "grants the role with admin option" do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::Role).to receive(:grant_to).with("test:b", {admin_option: true}) invoke end end end describe "role:create" do describe_command "role:create test:the-role" do it "creates the role with no options" do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::Role).to receive(:create).with({}) invoke end end describe_command "role:create --as-role test:foo test:the-role" do it "creates the role with acting_as option" do expect(api).to receive(:role).with("test:foo").and_return double("test:foo", exists?: true, roleid: "test:test:foo") expect(api).to receive(:role).with("test:the-role").and_return role = double("new-role", roleid: "test:the-role") expect(role).to receive(:create).with({acting_as: "test:test:foo"}) expect { invoke }.to write("Created role test:the-role") end end describe_command "role:create --as-group the-group test:the-role" do it "creates the role with with acting_as option" do expect(api).to receive(:group).with("the-group").and_return group = double("the-group", roleid: "test:group:the-group") expect(api).to receive(:role).with(group.roleid).and_return double("group:the-group", exists?: true, roleid: "test:group:the-group") expect(api).to receive(:role).with("test:the-role").and_return role = double("new-role", roleid: "test:the-role") expect(role).to receive(:create).with({acting_as: "test:group:the-group"}) expect { invoke }.to write("Created role test:the-role") end end end describe "role:memberships" do let(:all_roles) { %w(foo:user:joerandom foo:something:cool foo:something:else foo:group:admins) } let(:role) do double "the role", all:{|r| double r, roleid: r } end before do allow(api).to receive(:role).with(rolename).and_return role end context "when logged in as a user" do let(:username) { "joerandom" } let(:rolename) { "user:joerandom" } describe_command "role:memberships" do it "lists all roles" do expect(JSON::parse(expect { invoke }.to write)).to eq(all_roles) end end describe_command "role:memberships foo:bar" do let(:rolename) { 'foo:bar' } it "lists all roles of foo:bar" do expect(JSON::parse(expect { invoke }.to write)).to eq(all_roles) end end end context "when logged in as a host" do let(:username) { "host/foobar" } let(:rolename) { "host:foobar" } describe_command "role:memberships" do it "lists all roles" do expect(JSON::parse(expect { invoke }.to write)).to eq(all_roles) end end end end describe "role graph" do let(:roles){ [] } let(:options){ { ancestors: true, descendants: true } } let(:extra_options){ {} } let(:role_graph_args){ [roles, options.merge(extra_options)] } let(:graph_edges){ [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c']] } let(:graph){ graph_edges } def output JSON::parse(expect{invoke}.to write) end before do allow(api).to receive(:role_graph).with(*role_graph_args).and_return graph end describe_command "role graph foo bar" do let(:roles){ %w(foo bar) } it "outputs the graph as non-short json" do expect(output).to eq(graph.as_json) end end describe_command 'role graph --short foo' do let(:roles){ %w(foo) } it 'outputs the graph as short json' do expect(output).to eq(graph.as_json(true)) end end describe_command 'role graph --no-ancestors foo' do let(:roles){ %w(foo) } let(:options){{descendants: true}} it "calls role_graph with the expected options and output" do expect(output).to eq(graph.as_json(false)) end end describe 'output formats' do let(:formatted){ "formatted by #{format_method}" } let(:roles){ %w(foo) } before do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::Graph).to receive(format_method).with(any_args).and_return formatted end def self.it_formats_the_graph_as method let(:format_method){ method } it "formats the graph with #{method}" do expect((expect{invoke}.to write).chomp).to eq(formatted) end end describe_command 'role graph -fdot foo' do it_formats_the_graph_as :to_dot end end end end