rspec: INSTALL ======= $ gem install rspec RSPEC-RAILS =========== RAILS-3 ======= CONFIGURE THE GEMFILE ====================== group :development, :test do gem "rspec-rails", "~> 2.0" end INSTALL THE BUNDLE =============================== $ bundle install BOOTSTRAP THE APP ================= $ ./script/rails generate rspec:install create .rspec create spec create spec/spec_helper.rb create autotest create autotest/discover.rb RAILS-2 ======= INSTALL ======= $ gem install rspec-rails -v 1.3.3 BOOTSTRAP THE APP ================= $ ./script/generate rspec create spec create spec/spec_helper.rb create spec/spec.opts create previous_failures.txt create script/spec_server create script/spec HOW TO USE ========== COMMAND LINE ============= rspec --color --format doc spec/widget_spec.rb RAILS 3 (RSPEC 2) ============= ./rails/generate model User rake -T spec # lists all rspec rake tasks rake spec # run all specs rake spec/models/mymodel_spec.rb # run a single spec file rake spec/models/mymodel_spec.rb:27 # run a single example or group on line 27 RAILS 2 (RSPEC 1) ============= ./script/generate rspec_model User rake -T spec # lists all rspec rake tasks rake spec # run all specs rake spec SPEC=spec/models/mymodel_spec.rb SPEC_OPTS="-e \"should do something\"" #run a single spec module UserSpecHelper def valid_user_attributes { :email => "", :username => "joebloggs", :password => "abcdefg"} end end describe "A User (in general)" do include UserSpecHelper before(:each) do @user = end it "should be invalid without a username" do pending "some other thing we depend on" @user.attributes = valid_user_attributes.except(:username) @user.should_not be_valid @user.should have(1).error_on(:username) @user.errors.on(:username).should == "is required" @user.username = "someusername" @user.should be_valid end end EXPECTATIONS ===================== target.should satisfy {|arg| ...} target.should_not satisfy {|arg| ...} target.should equal target.should_not equal target.should be_close , target.should_not be_close , target.should be target.should_not be target.should predicate [optional args] target.should be_predicate [optional args] target.should_not predicate [optional args] target.should_not be_predicate [optional args] target.should be < 6 target.should == 5 target.should be_between(1, 10) target.should_not == 'Samantha' target.should match target.should_not match target.should be_an_instance_of target.should_not be_an_instance_of target.should be_a_kind_of target.should_not be_a_kind_of target.should respond_to target.should_not respond_to lambda {a_call}.should raise_error lambda {a_call}.should raise_error( [, message]) lambda {a_call}.should_not raise_error lambda {a_call}.should_not raise_error( [, message]) lambda {a_call}.should change(instance, method).from(number).to(number) proc.should throw proc.should_not throw target.should include target.should_not include target.should have().things target.should have_at_least().things target.should have_at_most().things target.should have().errors_on(:field) expect { thing.approve! }.to change(thing, :status). from(Status::AWAITING_APPROVAL). to(Status::APPROVED) expect { thing.destroy }.to change(Thing, :count).by(-1) Mocks and Stubs =============== user_mock = mock "User" user_mock.should_receive(:authenticate).with("password").and_return(true) user_mock.should_receive(:coffee).exactly(3).times.and_return(:americano) user_mock.should_receive(:coffee).exactly(5).times.and_raise(NotEnoughCoffeeExc ption) people_stub = mock "people" people_stub.stub!(:each).and_yield(mock_user) people_stub.stub!(:bad_method).and_raise(RuntimeError) user_stub = mock_model("User", :id => 23, :username => "pat", :email => "") my_instance.stub!(:msg).and_return(value) MyClass.stub!(:msg).and_return(value) Examples (in the real world) ============================ presentation: