/** * Controls: Element CSS Wrapper plugin * * Depends on jWYSIWYG * * By Yotam Bar-On (https://github.com/tudmotu) */ (function ($) { if (undefined === $.wysiwyg) { throw "wysiwyg.cssWrap.js depends on $.wysiwyg"; } /* For core enhancements #143 $.wysiwyg.ui.addControl("cssWrap", { visible : false, groupIndex: 6, tooltip: "CSS Wrapper", exec: function () { $.wysiwyg.controls.cssWrap.init(this); } } */ if (!$.wysiwyg.controls) { $.wysiwyg.controls = {}; } /* * Wysiwyg namespace: public properties and methods */ $.wysiwyg.controls.cssWrap = { init: function (Wysiwyg) { var self = this, formWrapHtml, key, translation, dialogReplacements = { legend : "Wrap Element", wrapperType : "Wrapper Type", ID : "ID", "class" : "Class", wrap : "Wrap", unwrap: "Unwrap", cancel : "Cancel" }; formWrapHtml = '
'; for (key in dialogReplacements) { if ($.wysiwyg.i18n) { translation = $.wysiwyg.i18n.t(dialogReplacements[key]); if (translation === dialogReplacements[key]) { // if not translated search in dialogs translation = $.wysiwyg.i18n.t(dialogReplacements[key], "dialogs"); } dialogReplacements[key] = translation; } formWrapHtml = formWrapHtml.replace("{" + key + "}", dialogReplacements[key]); } if (!$(".wysiwyg-dialog-wrapper").length) { $(formWrapHtml).appendTo("body"); $("form.wysiwyg").dialog({ modal: true, open: function (ev, ui) { var $this = $(this), range = Wysiwyg.getInternalRange(), common, $nodeName; // We make sure that there is some selection: if (range) { if ($.browser.msie) { Wysiwyg.ui.focus(); } common = $(range.commonAncestorContainer); } else { alert("You must select some elements before you can wrap them."); $this.dialog("close"); return 0; } $nodeName = range.commonAncestorContainer.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // If the selection is already a .wysiwygCssWrapper, then we want to change it and not double-wrap it. if (common.parent(".wysiwygCssWrapper").length) { alert(common.parent(".wysiwygCssWrapper").get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase()); $this.find("select[name=type]").val(common.parent(".wysiwygCssWrapper").get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase()); $this.find("select[name=type]").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $this.find("input[name=id]").val(common.parent(".wysiwygCssWrapper").attr("id")); $this.find("input[name=class]").val(common.parent(".wysiwygCssWrapper").attr("class").replace('wysiwygCssWrapper ', '')); // Add the "unwrap" button: $("form.wysiwyg").find(".cssWrap-unwrap").show(); $("form.wysiwyg").find(".cssWrap-unwrap").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($nodeName !== "body") { common.unwrap(); } $this.dialog("close"); return 1; }); } // Submit button. $("form.wysiwyg").find(".cssWrap-submit").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $wrapper = $("form.wysiwyg").find("select[name=type]").val(), $id = $("form.wysiwyg").find("input[name=id]").val(), $class = $("form.wysiwyg").find("input[name=class]").val(); if ($nodeName !== "body") { // If the selection is already a .wysiwygCssWrapper, then we want to change it and not double-wrap it. if (common.parent(".wysiwygCssWrapper").length) { common.parent(".wysiwygCssWrapper").attr("id", $class); common.parent(".wysiwygCssWrapper").attr("class", $class); } else { common.wrap("<" + $wrapper + " id=\"" + $id + "\" class=\"" + "wysiwygCssWrapper " + $class + "\"/>"); } } else { // Currently no implemntation for if $nodeName == 'body'. } $this.dialog("close"); }); // Cancel button. $("form.wysiwyg").find(".cssWrap-cancel").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.dialog("close"); return 1; }); }, close: function () { $(this).dialog("destroy"); $(this).remove(); } }); Wysiwyg.saveContent(); } $(Wysiwyg.editorDoc).trigger("editorRefresh.wysiwyg"); return 1; } }; })(jQuery);