class HowIs::Chart # Generates the gnuplot script in data/issues.plg. # # Some configuration is available. Font locations are path to a TTF or other # Gnuplot-readable font name. # # For example that could be '/Users/anne/Library/Fonts/InputMono-Medium.ttf' # or just 'Helvetica'. # # @param font_location [String] Font for the chart # @param font_size [Integer] Size of the chart text # @param label_font_location [String] Font for labels # @param label_font_size [Integer] Size of the label text # # @return void def self.gnuplot(font_location: nil, font_size: 16, label_font_location: nil, label_font_size: 10, chartsize: '500,500', data_file:, png_file:) default_font_location = if Gem.win_platform? 'Arial' else 'Helvetica' end font_location ||= default_font_location label_font_location ||= font_location cmd = %Q{ gnuplot -e "labelfont='#{label_font_location},#{label_font_size}'" \ -e "chartfont='#{font_location},#{font_size}'" \ -e "chartsize='#{chartsize}'" \ -e "data='#{data_file}'" \ -e "pngfile='#{png_file}'" \ -c data/issues.plg } puts cmd IO.popen(cmd, 'w') end def self.rotate(offset, filename) if Gem.win_platform? rotate_with_dotnet(filename, offset) else rotate_with_minimagick(filename, offset) end end def self.rotate_with_dotnet(filename, offset) ps_rotate_flip = { 90 => 'Rotate90FlipNone', 180 => 'Rotate180FlipNone', 270 => 'Rotate270FlipNone', -90 => 'Rotate270FlipNone' }[offset] command = %Q{ $path = "#{filename}" [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms"); $i = new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap $path $i.RotateFlip("#{ps_rotate_flip}") $i.Save($path,"png") exit } IO.popen(["powershell", "-Command", command], 'w') { |io| } end def self.rotate_with_minimagick(filename, offset) require 'mini_magick' image = { |b| b.rotate offset.to_s } image.format 'png' image.write filename end end