require 'spec_helper' describe API::ItemsController, type: :controller do before do # Don't test characterization on these items; it breaks TravisCI allow_any_instance_of(GenericFile).to receive(:characterize) end let(:user) { FactoryGirl.find_or_create(:jill) } let!(:default_file) do GenericFile.create(title: ['Foo Bar']) do |gf| gf.apply_depositor_metadata(user) gf.arkivo_checksum = '6872d21557992f6ad1d07375f19fbfaf' end end context 'with an HTTP GET or HEAD' do before do post :create, item, format: :json end let(:token) { user.arkivo_token } let(:item) { FactoryGirl.json(:post_item, token: token) } let(:item_hash) { JSON.parse(item) } context 'with a missing token' do before do get :show, format: :json, id: end subject { response } it { have_http_status(401) } it 'describes the error' do expect(subject.body).to include('invalid user token:') end end context 'with an unfamiliar token' do before do get :show, format: :json, id:, token: get_token end let(:get_token) { 'foobar' } subject { response } it { have_http_status(401) } it 'describes the error' do expect(subject.body).to include("invalid user token: #{get_token}") end end context 'with an unauthorized resource' do before do allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:can?).with(:edit, default_file) { false } get :show, format: :json, id:, token: token end subject { response } it { have_http_status(401) } it 'loads the file' do expect(assigns[:file]).to eq default_file end it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("#{user} lacks access to #{default_file}") end end context 'with a resource not deposited via Arkivo' do before do allow_any_instance_of(GenericFile).to receive(:arkivo_checksum) { nil } get :show, format: :json, id:, token: token end subject { response } it { have_http_status(403) } it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("Forbidden: #{default_file} not deposited via Arkivo") end end context 'with a resource not found in the repository' do before do allow(GenericFile).to receive(:find).with( get :show, format: :json, id:, token: token end subject { response } it { have_http_status(404) } it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("id '#{}' not found") end end context 'with an authorized Arkivo-deposited resource' do before do get :show, format: :json, id:, token: token end subject { response } it { have_http_status(204) } it 'responds with no body' do expect(subject.body).to be_blank end end end context 'with an HTTP POST' do context 'without an item' do before do post :create, format: :json end subject { response } it { have_http_status(400) } it 'describes the error' do expect(subject.body).to include('no item parameter') end end context 'with an invalid item' do before do post :create, item, format: :json end let(:item) { { foo: 'bar' }.to_json } subject { response } it { have_http_status(400) } it 'describes the error' do expect(subject.body).to include('The property \'#/\' did not contain a required property of \'token\'') end end context 'with a valid item and matching token' do before do expect { post :create, item, format: :json }.to change { GenericFile.count }.by(1) end let!(:deposited_file) { GenericFile.where(label: item_hash['file']['filename']).take } let(:token) { user.arkivo_token } let(:item) { FactoryGirl.json(:post_item, token: token) } let(:item_hash) { JSON.parse(item) } subject { response } it { be_success } it 'responds with HTTP 201' do expect(response.status).to eq 201 end it 'provides a URI in the Location header' do expect(response.headers['Location']).to match %r{/api/items/.{9}} end it 'creates a new item via POST' do expect(deposited_file).not_to be_nil end it 'writes metadata to allow flagging Arkivo-deposited items' do expect(deposited_file.arkivo_checksum).to eq item_hash['file']['md5'] end it 'writes content' do expect(deposited_file.content.content).to eq "arkivo\n" end it 'batch applies specified metadata' do expect(deposited_file.resource_type).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['resourceType']] expect(deposited_file.title).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['title']] expect(deposited_file.description).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['description']] expect(deposited_file.publisher).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['publisher']] expect(deposited_file.date_created).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['dateCreated']] expect(deposited_file.based_near).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['basedNear']] expect(deposited_file.identifier).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['identifier']] expect(deposited_file.related_url).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['url']] expect(deposited_file.language).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['language']] expect(deposited_file.rights).to eq [item_hash['metadata']['rights']] expect(deposited_file.tag).to eq item_hash['metadata']['tags'] expect(deposited_file.creator).to eq ['Doe, John', 'Babs McGee'] expect(deposited_file.contributor).to eq ['Nadal, Rafael', 'Jane Doeski'] end end context 'with a valid item and unfamiliar token' do before do post :create, item, format: :json end let(:token) { 'unfamiliar_token' } let(:item) { FactoryGirl.json(:post_item, token: token) } subject { response } it { is_expected.not_to be_success } it 'responds with HTTP 401' do expect(subject.status).to eq 401 end it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("invalid user token: #{token}") end end end context 'with an HTTP PUT' do let(:post_deposited_file) { GenericFile.where(label: post_item_hash['file']['filename']).take } let(:post_token) { user.arkivo_token } let(:post_item) { FactoryGirl.json(:post_item, token: post_token) } let(:post_item_hash) { JSON.parse(post_item) } before do expect { post :create, post_item, format: :json }.to change { GenericFile.count }.by(1) end context 'with a valid item, matching token, and authorized resource' do before do put :update, put_item, id:, format: :json end let(:put_deposited_file) { post_deposited_file.reload } let(:put_token) { user.arkivo_token } let(:put_item) { FactoryGirl.json(:put_item, token: put_token) } let(:put_item_hash) { JSON.parse(put_item) } subject { response } it { be_success } it 'responds with HTTP 204 and no body' do expect(subject.status).to eq 204 expect(subject.body).to be_blank end it 'updates metadata to allow flagging Arkivo-deposited items' do expect(put_deposited_file.arkivo_checksum).to eq put_item_hash['file']['md5'] end it 'changes the file content' do expect(put_deposited_file.content.content).to eq "# HEADER\n\nThis is a paragraph!\n" end it 'changes the metadata' do expect(put_deposited_file.resource_type).to eq [put_item_hash['metadata']['resourceType']] expect(put_deposited_file.title).to eq [put_item_hash['metadata']['title']] expect(put_deposited_file.rights).to eq [put_item_hash['metadata']['rights']] expect(put_deposited_file.tag).to eq put_item_hash['metadata']['tags'] expect(put_deposited_file.creator).to eq ['Doe, John', 'Babs McGee'] expect(put_deposited_file.description).to eq [] expect(put_deposited_file.publisher).to eq [] expect(put_deposited_file.date_created).to eq [] expect(put_deposited_file.based_near).to eq [] expect(put_deposited_file.identifier).to eq [] expect(put_deposited_file.related_url).to eq [] expect(put_deposited_file.language).to eq [] expect(put_deposited_file.contributor).to eq [] end end context 'with a valid item, matching token, authorized resource, but not Arkivo-deposited' do before do allow_any_instance_of(GenericFile).to receive(:arkivo_checksum) { nil } put :update, item, id:, format: :json end let(:item) { FactoryGirl.json(:put_item, token: post_token) } subject { response } it { is_expected.not_to be_success } it 'responds with HTTP 403' do expect(subject.status).to eq 403 end it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("Forbidden: #{post_deposited_file} not deposited via Arkivo") end end context 'with a valid item, matching token, missing resource' do before do allow(GenericFile).to receive(:find).with( do raise(ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError) end put :update, item, id:, format: :json end subject { response } let(:item) { FactoryGirl.json(:put_item, token: post_token) } it { have_http_status(404) } it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("id '#{}' not found") end end context 'with a valid item, matching token, and unauthorized resource' do before do allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:can?).with(:edit, post_deposited_file) { false } put :update, item, id:, format: :json end let(:item) { FactoryGirl.json(:put_item, token: post_token) } subject { response } it { is_expected.not_to be_success } it 'loads the file' do expect(assigns[:file]).to eq post_deposited_file end it 'responds with HTTP 401' do expect(subject.status).to eq 401 end it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("#{user} lacks access to #{post_deposited_file}") end end context 'with a valid item and unfamiliar token' do before do put :update, item, id:, format: :json end let(:token) { 'unfamiliar_token' } let(:item) { FactoryGirl.json(:put_item, token: token) } subject { response } it { is_expected.not_to be_success } it 'responds with HTTP 401' do expect(subject.status).to eq 401 end it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("invalid user token: #{token}") end end context 'with an invalid item' do before do put :update, item, id:, format: :json end let(:item) { { foo: 'bar' }.to_json } subject { response } it { have_http_status(400) } it 'describes the error' do expect(subject.body).to include('The property \'#/\' did not contain a required property of \'token\'') end end end context 'with an HTTP DELETE' do before do post :create, item, format: :json end let(:token) { user.arkivo_token } let(:item) { FactoryGirl.json(:post_item, token: token) } let(:item_hash) { JSON.parse(item) } context 'with a missing token' do before do delete :destroy, format: :json, id: end subject { response } it { have_http_status(401) } it 'describes the error' do expect(subject.body).to include('invalid user token:') end end context 'with an unfamiliar token' do before do delete :destroy, format: :json, id:, token: delete_token end let(:delete_token) { 'foobar' } subject { response } it { have_http_status(401) } it 'describes the error' do expect(subject.body).to include("invalid user token: #{delete_token}") end end context 'with an unauthorized resource' do before do allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:can?).with(:edit, default_file) { false } delete :destroy, format: :json, id:, token: token end subject { response } it { have_http_status(401) } it 'loads the file' do expect(assigns[:file]).to eq default_file end it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("#{user} lacks access to #{default_file}") end end context 'with a resource not deposited via Arkivo' do before do allow_any_instance_of(GenericFile).to receive(:arkivo_checksum) { nil } delete :destroy, format: :json, id:, token: token end subject { response } it { have_http_status(403) } it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("Forbidden: #{default_file} not deposited via Arkivo") end end context 'with a resource not found in the repository' do before do allow(GenericFile).to receive(:find).with( delete :destroy, format: :json, id:, token: token end subject { response } it { have_http_status(404) } it 'provides a reason for refusing to act' do expect(subject.body).to include("id '#{}' not found") end end context 'with an authorized Arkivo-deposited resource' do before do expect { delete :destroy, format: :json, id:, token: token }.to change { GenericFile.count }.by(-1) end subject { response } it { have_http_status(204) } it 'responds with no body' do expect(subject.body).to be_blank end end end end