module TensorStream module OpenCLHelpers # Collection of math functions for interfacing with OpenCL kernels module MathOps def MathOps.included(klass) klass.class_eval do %i[max min add real_div div sub floor_mod mod mul pow sigmoid_grad squared_difference].each do |op| register_op op, noop: true do |context, tensor, inputs| execute_2_operand_func(op.to_s, tensor, inputs[0], inputs[1], context) end end register_op :add_n do |_context, tensor, inputs| if inputs.size == 1 inputs[0] else m, n = inputs[0].shape work_group = [m || 1, n || 1] cl_m = || 1) cl_n = || 1) cl_switch = dtype = tensor.data_type output_buffer = _create_result_buffer(tensor.data_type, inputs[0].shape, "out_#{}") inputs_queue = inputs.dup a = inputs_queue.pop until inputs_queue.empty? b = inputs_queue.pop event_wait_list = build_event_wait_list([a, b]) method_call = :"add_#{a.data_type}_#{b.data_type}" event = _cl_program('add', a: a.data_type, b: b.data_type, dtype: dtype).send(method_call, _opencl_queue, work_group, cl_m, cl_n, cl_switch, a.cl_buffer, b.cl_buffer, output_buffer.cl_buffer, event_wait_list: event_wait_list) a = output_buffer a.op = event end output_buffer.op = a.op output_buffer end end register_op :floor_div, noop: true do |context, tensor, inputs| if fp_type?(tensor.data_type) execute_2_operand_func('floor_div', tensor, inputs[0], inputs[1], context) else execute_2_operand_func('div', tensor, inputs[0], inputs[1], context) end end register_op :mat_mul do |_context, tensor, inputs| a, b = inputs m = a.shape[0] n = b.shape[1] v = b.shape[0] k = a.shape[1] if tensor.options[:transpose_a] m = a.shape[1] k = a.shape[0] end if tensor.options[:transpose_b] n = b.shape[0] v = b.shape[1] end result_shape = [m, n] raise "#{tensor.inputs[0].name} rank must be greater than 1" if a.shape.size < 2 raise "#{tensor.inputs[1].name} rank must be greater than 1" if b.shape.size < 2 raise "incompatible shape sizes for matrix multiplication (#{a.shape[1]} != #{b.shape[0]}) #{a.shape} vs #{b.shape}" if k != v dtype = tensor.data_type a, b = auto_type_cast(a, b, name: "#{}/cast_#{}_#{b.data_type}") output_buffer = _create_result_buffer(a.data_type, result_shape, cl_m = cl_n = cl_k = transpose_a =[:transpose_a] ? 1 : 0) transpose_b =[:transpose_b] ? 1 : 0) event_wait_list = build_event_wait_list([a, b]) output_buffer.op = _cl_program('gemm', dtype: dtype).send(:"gemm_#{dtype}", _opencl_queue, result_shape, cl_m, cl_n, cl_k, transpose_a, transpose_b, a.cl_buffer, b.cl_buffer, output_buffer.cl_buffer, event_wait_list: event_wait_list) output_buffer end %i[sign exp tan acos asin sin cos abs sqrt negate square reciprocal tanh tanh_grad sigmoid log1p round floor ceil log].each do |op| register_op op, noop: true do |context, tensor, inputs| execute_func(op.to_s, tensor, inputs[0], context) end end %i[sum mean].each do |op| register_op op, noop: true do |context, tensor, inputs| reduction(context, tensor, inputs[0], inputs[1], op.to_sym) end end register_op :prod, noop: true do |context, tensor, inputs| input_a = complete_eval(inputs[0], context) if input_a.buffer.empty? convert_to_opencl([1.0], [], data_type: inputs[0].data_type, name: else reduction(context, tensor, inputs[0], inputs[1], :prod) end end register_op :argmin, buffer: true do |_context, tensor, inputs| axis = tensor.options[:axis] || 0 rank = inputs[0].shape.size raise TensorStream::InvalidArgumentError, "Expected dimension in the range [#{-rank},#{rank}) but got #{axis}" if axis < -rank || axis >= rank arr = inputs[0].buffer.reshape(*inputs[0].shape.reverse).to_a op = get_op_with_axis(arr, axis, 0, inputs[0].data_type, ->(a, b) { a < b }) convert_to_opencl(op, shape_eval(op), data_type: tensor.data_type, name: end register_op :argmax, buffer: true do |_context, tensor, inputs| axis = tensor.options[:axis] || 0 rank = inputs[0].shape.size raise TensorStream::InvalidArgumentError, "Expected dimension in the range [#{-rank},#{rank}) but got #{axis}" if axis < -rank || axis >= rank arr = inputs[0].buffer.reshape(*inputs[0].shape.reverse).to_a op = get_op_with_axis(arr, axis, 0, inputs[0].data_type, ->(a, b) { a > b }) convert_to_opencl(op, shape_eval(op), data_type: tensor.data_type, name: end end end end end end