$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'ruby-jmeter' module RubyJmeter class ExtendedDSL < DSL def test_method_here puts "here be dragons" end end end # Define your page objects class HomePage def initialize(dsl) @dsl = dsl end def test_method_unreachable puts "I can never be reached from ExtendedDSL" end def visit get name: 'home', url: '/' do test_method_here end end private def method_missing method, *args, &block @dsl.__send__ method, *args, &block end end test do threads count: 1 do # then re-use your page objects in your test plan home = HomePage.new(self) home.visit end end.run(path: '/usr/share/jmeter-2.11/bin/', gui: true)