#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = Report.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'fileutils' require 'PropertyTreeNode' require 'reports/TextReport' require 'reports/TaskListRE' require 'reports/ResourceListRE' require 'reports/TjpExportRE' require 'reports/StatusSheetReport' require 'reports/TimeSheetReport' require 'reports/NikuReport' require 'reports/CSVFile' require 'reports/Navigator' require 'reports/ReportContext' require 'HTMLDocument' class TaskJuggler # The Report class holds the fundamental description and functionality to # turn the scheduled project into a user readable form. A report may contain # other reports. class Report < PropertyTreeNode attr_accessor :typeSpec, :content # Create a new report object. def initialize(project, id, name, parent) super(project.reports, id, name, parent) project.addReport(self) # The type specifier must be set for every report. It tells whether this # is a task, resource, text or other report. @typeSpec = nil end # The generate function is where the action happens in this class. The # report defined by all the class attributes and report elements is # generated according the the requested output format(s). # _requestedFormats_ can be a list of formats that should be generated (e. # g. :html, :csv, etc.). def generate(requestedFormats = nil) generateIntermediateFormat # We either generate the requested formats or the list of formats that # was specified in the report definition. (requestedFormats || get('formats')).each do |format| if @name.empty? error('empty_report_file_name', "Report #{@id} has output formats requested, but the " + "file name is empty.") end case format when :html generateHTML copyAuxiliaryFiles when :csv generateCSV when :niku generateNiku when :tjp generateTJP else raise 'Unknown report output format #{format}.' end end true end # Generate an output format agnostic version that can later be turned into # the respective output formats. def generateIntermediateFormat @content = nil case @typeSpec when :export @content = TjpExportRE.new(self) when :niku @content = NikuReport.new(self) when :resourcereport @content = ResourceListRE.new(self) when :textreport @content = TextReport.new(self) when :taskreport @content = TaskListRE.new(self) when :statusSheet @content = StatusSheetReport.new(self) when :timeSheet @content = TimeSheetReport.new(self) else raise "Unknown report type" end # Most output format can be generated from a common intermediate # representation of the elements. We generate that IR first. @content.generateIntermediateFormat if @content end # Render the content of the report as HTML (without the framing). def to_html @content ? @content.to_html : nil end # Return true if the report should be rendered in the interactive version, # false if not. The top-level report defines the output format and the # interactive setting. def interactive? @project.reportContexts.first.report.get('interactive') end def error(id, message) if message && !message.empty? @project.messageHandler.error(id, message, @sourceFileInfo) else # We have no message, so the error has already been reported to the # MessageHandler. Just trigger another exception to signal the error. raise TjException end end def warning(id, message) if message && !message.empty? @project.messageHandler.warning(id, message, @sourceFileInfo) end end private # Convenience function to access a report attribute def a(attribute) get(attribute) end # Generate an HTML version of the report. def generateHTML return nil unless @content unless @content.respond_to?('to_html') warning('html_not_supported', "HTML format is not supported for report #{@id} of " + "type #{@typeSpec}.") return nil end html = HTMLDocument.new(:strict) head = html.generateHead("TaskJuggler Report - #{@name}", 'description' => 'TaskJuggler Report', 'keywords' => 'taskjuggler, project, management') if a('selfcontained') auxSrcDir = AppConfig.dataDirs('data/css')[0] cssFileName = (auxSrcDir ? auxSrcDir + '/tjreport.css' : '') # Raise an error if we haven't found the data directory if auxSrcDir.nil? || !File.exists?(cssFileName) dataDirError(cssFileName, AppConfig.dataSearchDirs('data/css')) end cssFile = IO.read(cssFileName) if cssFile.empty? error('css_file_error', "Cannot read '#{cssFileName}'. Make sure the file is not " + "empty and you have read access permission.") end head << XMLElement.new('meta', 'http-equiv' => 'Content-Style-Type', 'content' => 'text/css; charset=utf-8') head << (style = XMLElement.new('style', 'type' => 'text/css')) style << XMLBlob.new("\n" + cssFile) else head << XMLElement.new('link', 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'href' => 'css/tjreport.css') end html << XMLComment.new("Dynamic Report ID: " + "#{@project.reportContexts.last.dynamicReportId}") html << (body = XMLElement.new('body')) unless a('selfcontained') body << XMLElement.new('script', 'type' => 'text/javascript', 'src' => 'scripts/wz_tooltip.js') body << (noscript = XMLElement.new('noscript')) noscript << (nsdiv = XMLElement.new('div', 'style' => 'text-align:center; ' + 'color:#FF0000')) nsdiv << XMLText.new(<<'EOT' This page requires Javascript for full functionality. Please enable it in your browser settings! EOT ) end # Make sure we have some margins around the report. body << (frame = XMLElement.new('div', 'class' => 'tj_page')) frame << @content.to_html # The footer with some administrative information. frame << (div = XMLElement.new('div', 'class' => 'copyright')) div << XMLText.new(@project['copyright'] + " - ") if @project['copyright'] div << XMLText.new("Project: #{@project['name']} " + "Version: #{@project['version']} - " + "Created on #{TjTime.now.to_s("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} " + "with ") div << XMLNamedText.new("#{AppConfig.softwareName}", 'a', 'href' => "#{AppConfig.contact}") div << XMLText.new(" v#{AppConfig.version}") fileName = if a('interactive') || @name == '.' # Interactive HTML reports are always sent to stdout. '.' else # Prepend the specified output directory unless the provided file # name is an absolute file name. ((@name[0] == '/' ? '' : @project.outputDir) + @name + '.html').untaint end html.write(fileName) end # Generate a CSV version of the report. def generateCSV # The CSV format can only handle the first element of a report. return nil unless @content unless @content.respond_to?('to_csv') warning('csv_not_supported', "CSV format is not supported for report #{@id} of " + "type #{@typeSpec}.") return nil end return nil unless (csv = @content.to_csv) # Use the CSVFile class to write the Array of Arrays to a colon # separated file. Write to $stdout if the filename was set to '.'. begin fileName = (@name == '.' ? @name : (@name[0] == '/' ? '' : @project.outputDir) + @name + '.csv').untaint CSVFile.new(csv, ';').write(fileName) rescue IOError error('write_csv', "Cannot write to file #{fileName}.\n#{$!}") end end # Generate time sheet drafts. def generateTJP begin fileName = '.' if @name == '.' $stdout.write(@content.to_tjp) else fileName = (@name[0] == '/' ? '' : @project.outputDir) + @name fileName += a('definitions').include?('project') ? '.tjp' : '.tji' fileName.untaint File.open(fileName, 'w') { |f| f.write(@content.to_tjp) } end rescue IOError error('write_tjp', "Cannot write to file #{fileName}.\n#{$!}") end end # Generate Niku report def generateNiku unless @content.respond_to?('to_niku') warning('niku_not_supported', "niku format is not supported for report #{@id} of " + "type #{@typeSpec}.") return nil end begin f = @name == '.' ? $stdout : File.new(((@name[0] == '/' ? '' : @project.outputDir) + @name + '.xml').untaint, 'w') f.puts "#{@content.to_niku}" rescue IOError error('write_niku', "Cannot write to file #{@name}.\n#{$!}") end end def copyAuxiliaryFiles # Don't copy files if output is stdout. return if @name == '.' || a('interactive') copyDirectory('css') copyDirectory('icons') copyDirectory('scripts') end def copyDirectory(dirName) # The directory needs to be in the same directory as the HTML report. auxDstDir = (File.dirname((@name[0] == '/' ? '' : @project.outputDir) + @name) + '/').untaint # Find the data directory that came with the TaskJuggler installation. auxSrcDir = AppConfig.dataDirs("data/#{dirName}")[0].untaint # Raise an error if we haven't found the data directory if auxSrcDir.nil? || !File.exists?(auxSrcDir) dataDirError(dirName, AppConfig.dataSearchDirs("data/#{dirName}")) end # Don't copy directory if all files are up-to-date. return if directoryUpToDate?(auxSrcDir, auxDstDir + dirName) # Recursively copy the directory and all content. FileUtils.cp_r(auxSrcDir, auxDstDir) end def directoryUpToDate?(auxSrcDir, auxDstDir) return false unless File.exists?(auxDstDir.untaint) Dir.entries(auxSrcDir).each do |file| next if file == '.' || file == '..' srcFile = (auxSrcDir + '/' + file).untaint dstFile = (auxDstDir + '/' + file).untaint return false if !File.exist?(dstFile) || File.mtime(srcFile) > File.mtime(dstFile) end true end def dataDirError(dirName, dirs) error('data_dir_error', <<"EOT" Cannot find the #{dirName} directory. This is usually the result of an improper TaskJuggler installation. If you know the directory, you can use the TASKJUGGLER_DATA_PATH environment variable to specify the location. The variable should be set to the path without the /data at the end. Multiple directories must be separated by colons. The following directories have been tried: #{dirs.join("\n")} EOT ) end end end