require 'ostruct' module Bluepill def self.define_process_condition(name, &block) klass =, &block) ProcessConditions.const_set("#{name.to_s.camelcase}", klass) end def self.application(app_name, options = {}, &block) app =, options, &block) process_proxy = do attr_reader :attributes, :watches def initialize(process_name = nil) @name = process_name @attributes = {} @watches = {} end def method_missing(name, *args) if args.size == 1 && name.to_s =~ /^(.*)=$/ @attributes[$1.to_sym] = args.first elsif args.empty? && @attributes.key?(name.to_sym) @attributes[name.to_sym] else super end end def checks(name, options = {}) @watches[name] = options end def validate_child_process(child) unless child.attributes.has_key?(:stop_command) $stderr.puts "Config Error: Invalid child process monitor for #{@name}" $stderr.puts "You must specify a stop command to monitor child processes." exit(6) end end def create_child_process_template if @child_process_block child_proxy = # Children inherit some properties of the parent [:start_grace_time, :stop_grace_time, :restart_grace_time].each do |attribute| child_proxy.send("#{attribute}=", @attributes[attribute]) if @attributes.key?(attribute) end validate_child_process(child_proxy) @attributes[:child_process_template] = child_proxy.to_process(nil) end end def monitor_children(&child_process_block) @child_process_block = child_process_block @attributes[:monitor_children] = true end def to_process(process_name) process =, @attributes) @watches.each do |name, opts| if Bluepill::Trigger[name] process.add_trigger(name, opts) else process.add_watch(name, opts) end end process end end app_proxy = do @@app = app @@process_proxy = process_proxy @@process_keys = # because I don't want to require Set just for validations @@pid_files = attr_accessor :working_dir, :uid, :gid, :environment def validate_process(process, process_name) # validate uniqueness of group:process process_key = [process.attributes[:group], process_name].join(":") if @@process_keys.key?(process_key) $stderr.print "Config Error: You have two entries for the process name '#{process_name}'" $stderr.print " in the group '#{process.attributes[:group]}'" if process.attributes.key?(:group) $stderr.puts exit(6) else @@process_keys[process_key] = 0 end # validate required attributes [:start_command].each do |required_attr| if !process.attributes.key?(required_attr) $stderr.puts "Config Error: You must specify a #{required_attr} for '#{process_name}'" exit(6) end end # validate uniqueness of pid files pid_key = process.pid_file.strip if @@pid_files.key?(pid_key) $stderr.puts "Config Error: You have two entries with the pid file: #{process.pid_file}" exit(6) else @@pid_files[pid_key] = 0 end end def process(process_name, &process_block) process_proxy = process_proxy.create_child_process_template set_app_wide_attributes(process_proxy) assign_default_pid_file(process_proxy, process_name) validate_process(process_proxy, process_name) group = process_proxy.attributes.delete(:group) process = process_proxy.to_process(process_name) @@app.add_process(process, group) end def set_app_wide_attributes(process_proxy) [:working_dir, :uid, :gid, :environment].each do |attribute| unless process_proxy.attributes.key?(attribute) process_proxy.attributes[attribute] = self.send(attribute) end end end def assign_default_pid_file(process_proxy, process_name) unless process_proxy.attributes.key?(:pid_file) group_name = process_proxy.attributes["group"] default_pid_name = [group_name, process_name].compact.join('_').gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/, "_") process_proxy.pid_file = File.join(@@app.pids_dir, default_pid_name + ".pid") end end end yield( app.load end end