Feature: No clobber By default Aruba removes its scratch directory before every scenario. This isn't always the right thing to do, especially when the path to the default directory has been changed. Use @no-clobber to stop Aruba from cleaning up after itself. Scenario: Change the filesystem Given a directory named "foo/bar" And a file named "foo/bar/baz.txt" with: """ I don't want to die! """ @no-clobber Scenario: Verify nothing was clobbered Then a file named "foo/bar/baz.txt" should exist And the file "foo/bar/baz.txt" should contain exactly: """ I don't want to die! """ Scenario: Cleanup and verify the previous scenario Then a file named "foo/bar/baz.txt" should not exist # use bash or ruby due to GH issue #69 Scenario: Do not change the filesystem Given I successfully run `bash -c 'echo "I will survive!" >baz.txt'` in "/tmp/foo/bar" When I run `cat baz.txt` in "/tmp/foo/bar" Then the output should contain "I will survive!" Scenario: Once more verify nothing was clobbered Given I run `cat baz.txt` in "/tmp/foo/bar" Then the output should contain "I will survive!" Scenario: Adults cleanup after themselves Given I run `rm baz.txt` in "/tmp/foo/bar" When I run `cat baz.txt` in "/tmp/foo/bar" Then the output should not contain "I will survive!"