en: pages: actions: index: title: 'Site Pages' none: 'There are currently no pages.' new_link: 'Create a new page' new: title: 'New Page' edit: title: 'Editing Page' flash: created: 'The page has been saved.' updated: 'The page has been updated.' deleted: 'The page has been deleted.' assets: actions: index: title: 'Site Assets' none: 'There are currently no assets.' new_link: 'Upload a new asset' new: title: 'New Asset' edit: title: 'Edit Asset' flash: created: 'The asset has been saved.' updated: 'The asset has been updated.' deleted: 'The asset has been deleted.' components: actions: index: title: 'Components' simple_form: "yes": 'Yes' "no": 'No' buttons: create: 'Create %{model}' update: 'Update %{model}' submit: 'Submit %{model}' required: text: 'required' mark: '*' # You can uncomment the line below if you need to overwrite the whole required html. # When using html, text and mark won't be used. # html: '*' labels: cms_page: slug: 'Url Path' published: 'Publish' root: 'Home Page' cms_asset: asset_file_name: 'File' hints: cms_page: name: 'The name must contain no whitespace or any other special characters. Letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and periods are valid.
The extensions .css, .js, .xml, .json and .txt can used to auto-identify the content-type. If no extension is provided, html is the default type.' content: 'To create a layout page, add the {{ content_for_layout }} tag which will act as a placeholder for the contents of another page. Use ctrl+s to save.' slug: 'The url path that will be used to access this page. Defaults to the page name if not provided. ie. /name.
Ex. /home_page' layout_page_id: 'Optional page that will be used as this pages layout. Ie. This pages content will be inserted into the layout page where the {{ content_for_layout }} tag is specified.'