When /^client specifies a Machine Image$/ do |machine_image| header 'Accept', 'application/xml' authorize 'mockuser', 'mockpassword' get machine_image.raw[0][1] last_response.status.should == 200 @machine_image = CIMI::Model::MachineImage.from_xml(last_response.body) @machine_image.should_not be_nil @machine_image.uri.should == machine_image.raw[0][1] end When /^client specifies a Machine Configuration$/ do |machine_conf| header 'Accept', 'application/xml' authorize 'mockuser', 'mockpassword' get machine_conf.raw[0][1] last_response.status.should == 200 @machine_configuration = CIMI::Model::MachineImage.from_xml(last_response.body) @machine_configuration.should_not be_nil @machine_configuration.uri.should == machine_conf.raw[0][1] end When /^client specifies a new Machine using$/ do |machine| @machine_image.should_not be_nil @machine_configuration.should_not be_nil @new_machine_name = machine.raw[0][1] @builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.MachineCreate(:xmlns => CMWG_NAMESPACE) { xml.name @new_machine_name xml.description machine.raw[1][1] xml.machineTemplate { xml.machineConfig( :href => @machine_configuration.uri ) xml.machineImage( :href => @machine_image.uri ) } } end end Then /^client should be able to create this Machine$/ do authorize 'mockuser', 'mockpassword' header 'Content-Type', 'application/xml' post '/cimi/machines', @builder.to_xml if [500, 501, 502].include? last_response.status puts last_response.body end last_response.status.should == 201 set_new_machine(CIMI::Model::Machine.from_xml(last_response.body)) end Then /^client query for created Machine entity$/ do authorize 'mockuser', 'mockpassword' header 'Content-Type', 'application/xml' get "/cimi/machines/%s" % new_machine.name if [500, 501, 502].include? last_response.status puts last_response.body end if @delete_operation last_response.status.should == 404 else last_response.status.should == 200 @machine = CIMI::Model::Machine.from_xml(last_response.body) @machine.name.should == new_machine.name end end Then /^client should verify that this Machine has been created properly$/ do |attrs| attrs.rows_hash.each do |key, value| if key == 'memory' @machine.memory['quantity'].to_s.should == value else @machine.send(key.intern).to_s.should == value end end end When /^client executes (\w+) operation on created Machine$/ do |operation| builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.Action(:xmlns => CMWG_NAMESPACE) { xml.action "http://www.dmtf.org/cimi/action/#{operation}" } end authorize 'mockuser', 'mockpassword' header 'Content-Type', 'application/xml' if operation == 'delete' delete "/cimi/machines/%s" % new_machine.name last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should be_empty @delete_operation = true else post "/cimi/machines/%s/%s" % [new_machine.name, operation], builder.to_xml last_response.status.should == 202 last_response.body.should be_empty end end Then /^client should verify that this machine is (\w+)$/ do |status| unless @delete_operation @machine.state.should == status.upcase end end