require 'spec_helper' describe TweetStream::Client do before(:each) do TweetStream.configure do |config| config.consumer_key = 'abc' config.consumer_secret = 'def' config.oauth_token = '123' config.oauth_token_secret = '456' end @client = end describe "#start" do before do @stream = stub("EM::Twitter::Client", :connect => true, :unbind => true, :each => true, :on_error => true, :on_max_reconnects => true, :on_reconnect => true, :connection_completed => true, :on_no_data_received => true, :on_unauthorized => true, :on_enhance_your_calm => true ) EM.stub!(:run).and_yield EM::Twitter::Client.stub!(:connect).and_return(@stream) end it "connects if the reactor is already running" do EM.stub!(:reactor_running?).and_return(true) @client.should_receive(:connect) @client.track('abc') end it "starts the reactor if not already running" do EM.should_receive(:run).once @client.track('abc') end it "warns when callbacks are passed as options" do @stream.stub(:each).and_yield(nil) Kernel.should_receive(:warn).with(/Passing callbacks via the options hash is deprecated and will be removed in TweetStream 3.0/) @client.track('abc', :inited => { }) end describe "#each" do it "calls the appropriate parser" do @client = Yajl::Parser.should_receive(:parse).twice.and_return({}) @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(sample_tweets[0].to_json) @client.track('abc','def') end it "yields a Twitter::Tweet" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(sample_tweets[0].to_json) @client.track('abc'){|s| expect(s).to be_kind_of(Twitter::Tweet)} end it "yields the client if a block with arity 2 is given" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(sample_tweets[0].to_json) @client.track('abc'){|s,c| expect(c).to eq(@client)} end it "includes the proper values" do tweet = sample_tweets[0] tweet[:id] = 123 tweet[:user][:screen_name] = 'monkey' tweet[:text] = "Oo oo aa aa" @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(tweet.to_json) @client.track('abc') do |s| expect(s[:id]).to eq(123) expect(s.user.screen_name).to eq('monkey') expect(s.text).to eq('Oo oo aa aa') end end it "calls the on_stall_warning callback if specified" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(fixture('stall_warning.json')) @client.on_stall_warning do |warning| expect(warning[:code]).to eq('FALLING_BEHIND') end.track('abc') end it "calls the on_scrub_geo callback if specified" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(fixture('scrub_geo.json')) @client.on_scrub_geo do |up_to_status_id, user_id| expect(up_to_status_id).to eq(9876) expect(user_id).to eq(1234) end.track('abc') end it "calls the on_delete callback" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(fixture('delete.json')) @client.on_delete do |id, user_id| expect(id).to eq(1234) expect(user_id).to eq(3) end.track('abc') end it "calls the on_limit callback" do limit = nil @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(fixture('limit.json')) @client.on_limit do |l| limit = l end.track('abc') expect(limit).to eq(1234) end it "calls the on_status_withheld callback" do status = nil @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(fixture('status_withheld.json')) @client.on_status_withheld do |s| status = s end.track('abc') expect(status[:user_id]).to eq(123456) end it "calls the on_user_withheld callback" do status = nil @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(fixture('user_withheld.json')) @client.on_user_withheld do |s| status = s end.track('abc') expect(status[:id]).to eq(123456) end context "using on_anything" do it "yields the raw hash" do hash = {:id => 1234} @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(hash.to_json) yielded_hash = nil @client.on_anything do |h| yielded_hash = h end.track('abc') expect(yielded_hash).not_to be_nil expect(yielded_hash[:id]).to eq(1234) end it "yields itself if block has an arity of 2" do hash = {:id => 1234} @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(hash.to_json) yielded_client = nil @client.on_anything do |_, client| yielded_client = client end.track('abc') expect(yielded_client).not_to be_nil expect(yielded_client).to eq(@client) end end context "using on_timeline_status" do it "yields a Status" do tweet = sample_tweets[0] tweet[:id] = 123 tweet[:user][:screen_name] = 'monkey' tweet[:text] = "Oo oo aa aa" @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(tweet.to_json) yielded_status = nil @client.on_timeline_status do |status| yielded_status = status end.track('abc') expect(yielded_status).not_to be_nil expect(yielded_status[:id]).to eq(123) expect(yielded_status.user.screen_name).to eq('monkey') expect(yielded_status.text).to eq('Oo oo aa aa') end it "yields itself if block has an arity of 2" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(sample_tweets[0].to_json) yielded_client = nil @client.on_timeline_status do |_, client| yielded_client = client end.track('abc') expect(yielded_client).not_to be_nil expect(yielded_client).to eq(@client) end end context "using on_direct_message" do it "yields a DirectMessage" do direct_message = sample_direct_messages[0] direct_message[:direct_message][:id] = 1234 direct_message[:direct_message][:sender][:screen_name] = "coder" @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(direct_message.to_json) yielded_dm = nil @client.on_direct_message do |dm| yielded_dm = dm end.userstream expect(yielded_dm).not_to be_nil expect( eq(1234) expect(yielded_dm.sender.screen_name).to eq("coder") end it "yields itself if block has an arity of 2" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield(sample_direct_messages[0].to_json) yielded_client = nil @client.on_direct_message do |_, client| yielded_client = client end.userstream expect(yielded_client).to eq(@client) end end it "calls on_error if a non-hash response is received" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield('["favorited"]') @client.on_error do |message| expect(message).to eq('Unexpected JSON object in stream: ["favorited"]') end.track('abc') end it "calls on_error if a json parse error occurs" do @stream.should_receive(:each).and_yield("{'a_key':}") @client.on_error do |message| expect(message).to eq("Yajl::ParseError occured in stream: {'a_key':}") end.track('abc') end end describe "#on_error" do it "passes the message on to the error block" do @stream.should_receive(:on_error).and_yield('Uh oh') @client.on_error do |m| expect(m).to eq('Uh oh') end.track('abc') end it "returns the block when defined" do @client.on_error { |m| true; } expect(@client.on_error).to be_kind_of(Proc) end it "returns nil when undefined" do expect(@client.on_error).to be_nil end end describe "#on_max_reconnects" do it "raises a ReconnectError" do @stream.should_receive(:on_max_reconnects).and_yield(30, 20) expect(lambda{ @client.track('abc') }).to raise_error(TweetStream::ReconnectError, "Failed to reconnect after 20 tries.") end end end describe "API methods" do %w(firehose retweet sample links).each do |method| it "##{method} should make a call to start with \"statuses/#{method}\"" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/' + method + '.json', {}) @client.send(method) end end describe "#filter" do it "makes a call to 'statuses/filter' with the query params provided" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :follow => 123, :method => :post) @client.filter(:follow => 123) end it "makes a call to 'statuses/filter' with the query params provided longitude/latitude pairs, separated by commas " do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :locations => '-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8,-74,40,-73,41', :method => :post) @client.filter(:locations => '-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8,-74,40,-73,41') end end describe "#follow" do it "makes a call to start with 'statuses/filter' and a follow query parameter" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :follow => [123], :method => :post) @client.follow(123) end it "comma-joins multiple arguments" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :follow => [123,456], :method => :post) @client.follow(123, 456) end end describe "#locations" do it "calls #start with 'statuses/filter' with the query params provided longitude/latitude pairs" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :locations => ['-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8,-74,40,-73,41'], :method => :post) @client.locations('-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8,-74,40,-73,41') end it "calls #start with 'statuses/filter' with the query params provided longitude/latitude pairs and additional filter" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :locations => ['-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8,-74,40,-73,41'], :track => 'rock', :method => :post) @client.locations('-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8,-74,40,-73,41', :track => 'rock') end end describe "#track" do it "makes a call to start with 'statuses/filter' and a track query parameter" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :track => ['test'], :method => :post) @client.track('test') end it "comma-joins multiple arguments" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :track => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], :method => :post) @client.track('foo', 'bar', 'baz') end it "comma-joins an array of arguments" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :track => [['foo','bar','baz']], :method => :post) @client.track(['foo','bar','baz']) end it "calls #start with 'statuses/filter' and the provided queries" do @client.should_receive(:start).once.with('/1.1/statuses/filter.json', :track => ['rock'], :method => :post) @client.track('rock') end end end %w(on_delete on_limit on_inited on_reconnect on_no_data_received on_unauthorized on_enhance_your_calm).each do |proc_setter| describe "##{proc_setter}" do it "sets when a block is given" do proc ={|a,b| puts a } @client.send(proc_setter, &proc) expect(@client.send(proc_setter)).to eq(proc) end it "returns nil when undefined" do expect(@client.send(proc_setter)).to be_nil end end end describe "#stop" do it "calls EventMachine::stop_event_loop" do EventMachine.should_receive :stop_event_loop expect( be_nil end it "returns the last status yielded" do EventMachine.should_receive :stop_event_loop client = client.send(:instance_variable_set, :@last_status, {}) expect(client.stop).to eq({}) end end describe "#close_connection" do it "does not call EventMachine::stop_event_loop" do EventMachine.should_not_receive :stop_event_loop expect( be_nil end end describe "#stop_stream" do before(:each) do @stream = stub("EM::Twitter::Client", :connect => true, :unbind => true, :each => true, :on_error => true, :on_max_reconnects => true, :on_reconnect => true, :connection_completed => true, :on_no_data_received => true, :on_unauthorized => true, :on_enhance_your_calm => true, :stop => true ) EM::Twitter::Client.stub!(:connect).and_return(@stream) @client = @client.connect('/') end it "calls stream.stop to cleanly stop the current stream" do @stream.should_receive(:stop) @client.stop_stream end it "does not stop eventmachine" do EventMachine.should_not_receive :stop_event_loop @client.stop_stream end end end