# frozen_string_literal: true ArJdbc::ConnectionMethods.module_eval do def mysql_connection(config) config = config.deep_dup # NOTE: this isn't "really" necessary but Rails (in tests) assumes being able to : # ActiveRecord::Base.mysql2_connection ActiveRecord::Base.configurations['arunit'].merge(database: ...) config = symbolize_keys_if_necessary(config) config[:adapter_spec] ||= ::ArJdbc::MySQL config[:adapter_class] = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Mysql2Adapter unless config.key?(:adapter_class) return jndi_connection(config) if jndi_config?(config) driver = config[:driver] mysql_driver = driver.nil? || driver.to_s.start_with?('com.mysql.') mariadb_driver = ! mysql_driver && driver.to_s.start_with?('org.mariadb.') begin require 'jdbc/mysql' ::Jdbc::MySQL.load_driver(:require) if defined?(::Jdbc::MySQL.load_driver) rescue LoadError # assuming driver.jar is on the class-path end if mysql_driver if driver.nil? config[:driver] ||= defined?(::Jdbc::MySQL.driver_name) ? ::Jdbc::MySQL.driver_name : 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' end config[:username] = 'root' unless config.key?(:username) # jdbc:mysql://[host][,failoverhost...][:port]/[database] # - if the host name is not specified, it defaults to # - if the port is not specified, it defaults to 3306 # - alternate fail-over syntax: [host:port],[host:port]/[database] unless config[:url] host = config[:host] host ||= 'localhost' if mariadb_driver host = host.join(',') if host.respond_to?(:join) config[:url] = "jdbc:mysql://#{host}#{ config[:port] ? ":#{config[:port]}" : nil }/#{config[:database]}" end properties = ( config[:properties] ||= {} ) if mysql_driver properties['zeroDateTimeBehavior'] ||= config[:driver].to_s.start_with?('com.mysql.cj.') ? 'CONVERT_TO_NULL' : 'convertToNull' properties['jdbcCompliantTruncation'] ||= false # NOTE: this is "better" than passing what users are used to set on MRI # e.g. 'utf8mb4' will fail cause the driver will check for a Java charset # ... it's smart enough to detect utf8mb4 from server variables : # "character_set_client" && "character_set_connection" (thus UTF-8) if encoding = config.key?(:encoding) ? config[:encoding] : 'utf8' charset_name = convert_mysql_encoding(encoding) if charset_name.eql?(false) # do not set characterEncoding properties['character_set_server'] = encoding else properties['characterEncoding'] = charset_name || encoding end # driver also executes: "SET NAMES " + (useutf8mb4 ? "utf8mb4" : "utf8") # thus no need to do it on configure_connection : config[:encoding] = nil if config.key?(:encoding) end # properties['useUnicode'] is true by default if collation = config[:collation] properties['connectionCollation'] = collation end if ! ( reconnect = config[:reconnect] ).nil? properties['autoReconnect'] ||= reconnect.to_s # properties['maxReconnects'] ||= '3' # with reconnect fail-over sets connection read-only (by default) # properties['failOverReadOnly'] ||= 'false' end end if config[:sslkey] || sslcert = config[:sslcert] # || config[:use_ssl] properties['useSSL'] ||= true # supported by MariaDB as well if mysql_driver properties['requireSSL'] ||= true properties['clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl'] ||= java.io.File.new(sslcert).to_url.to_s if sslcert if sslca = config[:sslca] properties['trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl'] ||= java.io.File.new(sslca).to_url.to_s else properties['verifyServerCertificate'] ||= false end end properties['verifyServerCertificate'] ||= false if mariadb_driver else # According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection # must be established by default if explicit option isn't set : properties[mariadb_driver ? 'useSsl' : 'useSSL'] ||= false end if socket = config[:socket] properties['localSocket'] ||= socket if mariadb_driver end # for the Connector/J 5.1 line this is true by default - but it requires some really nasty # quirks to get casted Time values extracted properly according for AR's default_timezone # - thus we're turning it off (should be off in newer driver versions >= 6 anyway) # + also MariaDB driver is compilant and we would need to branch out based on driver properties['useLegacyDatetimeCode'] = false jdbc_connection(config) end alias_method :jdbcmysql_connection, :mysql_connection alias_method :mysql2_connection, :mysql_connection def mariadb_connection(config) config[:adapter_spec] ||= ::ArJdbc::MySQL config[:adapter_class] = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Mysql2Adapter unless config.key?(:adapter_class) return jndi_connection(config) if jndi_config?(config) begin require 'jdbc/mariadb' ::Jdbc::MariaDB.load_driver(:require) if defined?(::Jdbc::MariaDB.load_driver) rescue LoadError # assuming driver.jar is on the class-path end config[:driver] ||= defined?(::Jdbc::MariaDB.driver_name) ? ::Jdbc::MariaDB.driver_name : 'org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver' mysql_connection(config) end alias_method :jdbcmariadb_connection, :mariadb_connection private @@mysql_encodings = nil # @see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/5.1/en/connector-j-reference-charsets.html def convert_mysql_encoding(encoding) # to charset-name (characterEncoding=...) ( @@mysql_encodings ||= { "big5" => "Big5", "dec8" => nil, #"cp850" => "Cp850", "hp8" => nil, #"koi8r" => "KOI8-R", "latin1" => "Cp1252", "latin2" => "ISO8859_2", "swe7" => nil, "ascii" => "US-ASCII", "ujis" => "EUC_JP", "sjis" => "SJIS", "hebrew" => "ISO8859_8", "tis620" => "TIS620", "euckr" => "EUC_KR", #"koi8u" => "KOI8-R", "gb2312" => "EUC_CN", "greek" => "ISO8859_7", "cp1250" => "Cp1250", "gbk" => "GBK", #"latin5" => "ISO-8859-9", "armscii8" => nil, "ucs2" => "UnicodeBig", "cp866" => "Cp866", "keybcs2" => nil, "macce" => "MacCentralEurope", "macroman" => "MacRoman", #"cp852" => "CP852", #"latin7" => "ISO-8859-13", "cp1251" => "Cp1251", "cp1256" => "Cp1256", "cp1257" => "Cp1257", "binary" => false, "geostd8" => nil, "cp932" => "Cp932", #"eucjpms" => "eucJP-ms" "utf8" => "UTF-8", "utf8mb4" => false, "utf16" => false, "utf32" => false, } )[ encoding ] end end