/* * Copyright (c) <2008>, Sun Microsystems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Summary: Constants used by to implement the binary protocol. * * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software. * * Author: Trond Norbye */ #ifndef PROTOCOL_BINARY_H #define PROTOCOL_BINARY_H #include /** * This file contains definitions of the constants and packet formats * defined in the binary specification. Please note that you _MUST_ remember * to convert each multibyte field to / from network byte order to / from * host order. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * Definition of the legal "magic" values used in a packet. * See section 3.1 Magic byte */ typedef enum { PROTOCOL_BINARY_REQ = 0x80, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RES = 0x81 } protocol_binary_magic; /** * Definition of the valid response status numbers. * See section 3.2 Response Status */ typedef enum { PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_SUCCESS = 0x00, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_KEY_ENOENT = 0x01, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_KEY_EEXISTS = 0x02, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_E2BIG = 0x03, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_EINVAL = 0x04, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_NOT_STORED = 0x05, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_AUTH_ERROR = 0x20, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_AUTH_CONTINUE = 0x21, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_COMMAND = 0x81, PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_ENOMEM = 0x82 } protocol_binary_response_status; /** * Defintion of the different command opcodes. * See section 3.3 Command Opcodes */ typedef enum { PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_GET = 0x00, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SET = 0x01, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_ADD = 0x02, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_REPLACE = 0x03, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_DELETE = 0x04, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_INCREMENT = 0x05, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_DECREMENT = 0x06, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_QUIT = 0x07, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_FLUSH = 0x08, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_GETQ = 0x09, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_NOOP = 0x0a, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_VERSION = 0x0b, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_GETK = 0x0c, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_GETKQ = 0x0d, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_APPEND = 0x0e, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_PREPEND = 0x0f, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_STAT = 0x10, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SETQ = 0x11, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_ADDQ = 0x12, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_REPLACEQ = 0x13, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_DELETEQ = 0x14, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_INCREMENTQ = 0x15, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_DECREMENTQ = 0x16, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_QUITQ = 0x17, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_FLUSHQ = 0x18, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_APPENDQ = 0x19, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_PREPENDQ = 0x1a, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_TOUCH = 0x1c, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_LIST_MECHS = 0x20, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_AUTH = 0x21, PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_STEP = 0x22 } protocol_binary_command; /** * Definition of the data types in the packet * See section 3.4 Data Types */ typedef enum { PROTOCOL_BINARY_RAW_BYTES = 0x00 } protocol_binary_datatypes; /** * Definition of the header structure for a request packet. * See section 2 */ typedef union { struct { uint8_t magic; uint8_t opcode; uint16_t keylen; uint8_t extlen; uint8_t datatype; uint16_t reserved; uint32_t bodylen; uint32_t opaque; uint64_t cas; } request; uint8_t bytes[24]; } protocol_binary_request_header; /** * Definition of the header structure for a response packet. * See section 2 */ typedef union { struct { uint8_t magic; uint8_t opcode; uint16_t keylen; uint8_t extlen; uint8_t datatype; uint16_t status; uint32_t bodylen; uint32_t opaque; uint64_t cas; } response; uint8_t bytes[24]; } protocol_binary_response_header; /** * Definition of a request-packet containing no extras */ typedef union { struct { protocol_binary_request_header header; } message; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(protocol_binary_request_header)]; } protocol_binary_request_no_extras; /** * Definition of a response-packet containing no extras */ typedef union { struct { protocol_binary_response_header header; } message; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(protocol_binary_response_header)]; } protocol_binary_response_no_extras; /** * Definition of the packet used by the get, getq, getk and getkq command. * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_get; typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_getq; typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_getk; typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_getkq; /** * Definition of the packet returned from a successful get, getq, getk and * getkq. * See section 4 */ typedef union { struct { protocol_binary_response_header header; struct { uint32_t flags; } body; } message; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(protocol_binary_response_header) + 4]; } protocol_binary_response_get; typedef protocol_binary_response_get protocol_binary_response_getq; typedef protocol_binary_response_get protocol_binary_response_getk; typedef protocol_binary_response_get protocol_binary_response_getkq; /** * Definition of the packet used by the touch command. */ typedef union { struct { protocol_binary_request_header header; struct { uint32_t expiration; } body; } message; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(protocol_binary_request_header) + 4]; } protocol_binary_request_touch; /** * Definition of the packet returned from the touch command */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_touch; /** * Definition of the packet used by the delete command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_delete; /** * Definition of the packet returned by the delete command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_delete; /** * Definition of the packet used by the flush command * See section 4 * Please note that the expiration field is optional, so remember to see * check the header.bodysize to see if it is present. */ typedef union { struct { protocol_binary_request_header header; struct { uint32_t expiration; } body; } message; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(protocol_binary_request_header) + 4]; } protocol_binary_request_flush; /** * Definition of the packet returned by the flush command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_flush; /** * Definition of the packet used by set, add and replace * See section 4 */ typedef union { struct { protocol_binary_request_header header; struct { uint32_t flags; uint32_t expiration; } body; } message; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(protocol_binary_request_header) + 8]; } protocol_binary_request_set; typedef protocol_binary_request_set protocol_binary_request_add; typedef protocol_binary_request_set protocol_binary_request_replace; /** * Definition of the packet returned by set, add and replace * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_set; typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_add; typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_replace; /** * Definition of the noop packet * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_noop; /** * Definition of the packet returned by the noop command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_noop; /** * Definition of the structure used by the increment and decrement * command. * See section 4 */ typedef union { struct { protocol_binary_request_header header; struct { uint64_t delta; uint64_t initial; uint32_t expiration; } body; } message; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(protocol_binary_request_header) + 20]; } protocol_binary_request_incr; typedef protocol_binary_request_incr protocol_binary_request_decr; /** * Definition of the response from an incr or decr command * command. * See section 4 */ typedef union { struct { protocol_binary_response_header header; struct { uint64_t value; } body; } message; uint8_t bytes[sizeof(protocol_binary_response_header) + 8]; } protocol_binary_response_incr; typedef protocol_binary_response_incr protocol_binary_response_decr; /** * Definition of the quit * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_quit; /** * Definition of the packet returned by the quit command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_quit; /** * Definition of the packet used by append and prepend command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_append; typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_prepend; /** * Definition of the packet returned from a successful append or prepend * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_append; typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_prepend; /** * Definition of the packet used by the version command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_version; /** * Definition of the packet returned from a successful version command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_version; /** * Definition of the packet used by the stats command. * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_request_no_extras protocol_binary_request_stats; /** * Definition of the packet returned from a successful stats command * See section 4 */ typedef protocol_binary_response_no_extras protocol_binary_response_stats; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* PROTOCOL_BINARY_H */