data: - id: 1 first: Will last: Smith username: will_smith login_count: 9219 phone_numbers: - type: cell number: 555-444-3333 - type: fax number: 333-444-2222 - id: 2 first: Martin last: Lawrence username: mlaw10 login_count: 8077 phone_numbers: - type: home number: 999-888-7777 - id: 3 first: Will last: Ferrell username: will.ferrell login_count: 190890 phone_numbers: template: title: User List children: - type: Banner details: "555 N. Michigan Ave.\nChicago, IL 62626\n555-555-5555 ext. 55555" title: Some Random System - type: Spacer - type: Header value: User List - type: Separator - type: Text value: The following is a list of users - type: Spacer - type: DataTable aggregators: - property: login_count function: sum name: login_count_sum - property: login_count function: ave name: login_count_ave columns: - header: ID Number body: $id footer: Login Count Ave. - header: First Name body: $first footer: $login_count_ave - header: Last Name body: $last - header: Username body: $username footer: Login Count Sum - header: Login Count footer: $login_count_sum body: $login_count - type: Spacer - type: Grouping children: - type: Header value: 'User Details' - type: Separator - type: Pane columns: - label_width: 25.0 lines: - label: ID Number value: $id - label: First Name value: $first - label: Last Name value: $last - type: Spacer - type: Header value: Phone Numbers - type: DataTable property: phone_numbers empty_message: No phone numbers. columns: - header: Type body: $type - header: Number body: $number - type: Spacer documents: - title: User List contents: |+ ======================================== Some Random System ======================================== 555 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 62626 555-555-5555 ext. 55555 ======================================== USER LIST ---------------------------------------- The following is a list of users ID Number, First Name, Last Name, Username, Login Count 1, Will, Smith, will_smith, 9219 2, Martin, Lawrence, mlaw10, 8077 3, Will, Ferrell, will.ferrell, 190890 Login Count Ave., 69395.333333333333333333, , Login Count Sum, 208186.0 USER DETAILS ---------------------------------------- ID Number: 1 First Name: Will Last Name: Smith PHONE NUMBERS Type, Number cell, 555-444-3333 fax, 333-444-2222 USER DETAILS ---------------------------------------- ID Number: 2 First Name: Martin Last Name: Lawrence PHONE NUMBERS Type, Number home, 999-888-7777 USER DETAILS ---------------------------------------- ID Number: 3 First Name: Will Last Name: Ferrell PHONE NUMBERS No phone numbers. extension: '.txt'