module ImportableAttachments::Base module ClassMethods # :call-seq: # has_importable_attachment opts # # = opts # :import_method # :import_into # :spreadsheet_columns def has_importable_attachment(options) lopt = {import_method: :import_rows} lopt.merge! options validate_importable_attachment_options lopt install_importable_attachment_options lopt install_importable_attachment_associations install_importable_attachment_validations install_importable_attachment_assignment_protection include InstanceMethods # for assigning attachment to new record after_create :import_attachment end def validate_importable_attachment_options(options) [:spreadsheet_columns, :import_into].each do |sym| raise RuntimeError, "has_importable_attachment: needs :#{sym}" unless options.has_key? sym end unless options[:spreadsheet_columns].is_a?(Enumerable) raise RuntimeError, 'has_importable_attachment: :spreadsheet_columns must be Enumerable' end end def install_importable_attachment_options(options) [:import_method, :import_into, :spreadsheet_columns].each do |sym| cattr_accessor sym self.send("#{sym}=".to_sym, options[sym]) end end def install_importable_attachment_associations has_one :attachment, :dependent => :nullify, :as => :attachable delegate :io_stream, :to => :attachment, :prefix => true delegate :io_stream_url, :to => :attachment, :prefix => true delegate :io_stream_file_name, :to => :attachment, :prefix => true end def install_importable_attachment_validations validates :attachment, :associated => true validate do |record| if @columns_not_found invalid_attachment_error "column(s) not found: #{@columns_not_found}" end if !@row_errors.blank? invalid_attachment_error "failed to import #{@row_errors.length} record(s)" @row_errors.each {|row| attachment.errors.add(:base, row)} end end # These go in the class calling has_importable_attachment as they are # dependent on mime-type expectations #validates_with CsvValidator, :if => {|model| model.attachment.present?} #validates_with ExcelValidator, :if => {|model| model.attachment.present?} end def install_importable_attachment_assignment_protection attr_accessible :attachment, :attachment_attributes, :attachment_id accepts_nested_attributes_for :attachment, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => :all_blank end end module InstanceMethods # : call-seq: # import_attachment # # imports an attachment of a given mime-type (data-stream to ruby), # calls import_rows with a ruby data-store # # NOTE: this is a stub def import_attachment raise RuntimeError, '[importable_attachments] .import_attachment not implemented' end # : call-seq: # import_rows params # # imports an attachment contents into :import_into association # # NOTE: this is a stub def import_rows(*opts) return unless self.attachment logger.debug "[importable_attachments] .import_rows #{opts}" raise RuntimeError, '[importable_attachments] .import_rows not implemented' end def invalid_attachment_error(msg) attachment.errors.add(:base, msg) errors.add(:attachment, 'invalid attachment') end end end