require 'delegate' require 'fileutils' require 'bard/git' module Bard class GithubPages < SimpleDelegator def deploy server @sha = Git.sha_of(Git.current_branch) @build_dir = "tmp/github-build-#{@sha}" @branch = "gh-pages" @domain = puts "Starting deployment to GitHub Pages..." build_site tree_sha = create_tree_from_build new_commit = create_commit(tree_sha) commit_and_push new_commit end private def build_site FileUtils.rm_rf "tmp/github-build-".sub(@sha, "*") run! <<~BASH set -e RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -d --pid tmp/pids/ bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile # Create the output directory and enter it BUILD=#{@build_dir} rm -rf $BUILD mkdir -p $BUILD cp -R public/assets $BUILD/ cd $BUILD # wait until server responds echo waiting... curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 http://localhost:3000 echo copying... # Mirror the site to the build folder, ignoring links with query params wget --reject-regex "(.*)\\?(.*)" -FEmnH http://localhost:3000/ echo #{@domain} > CNAME BASH ensure # cleanup run! <<~BASH cat tmp/pids/ | xargs -I {} kill {} rm -rf public/assets BASH end def create_tree_from_build # Create temporary index git_index_file = ".git/tmp-index" git = "GIT_INDEX_FILE=#{git_index_file} git" run! "#{git} read-tree --empty" # Add build files to temporary index Dir.chdir(@build_dir) do Dir.glob('**/*', File::FNM_DOTMATCH).each do |file| next if file == '.' || file == '..' if File.file?(file) run! "#{git} update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644 $(#{git} hash-object -w #{file}) #{file}" end end end # Create tree object from index tree_sha = `#{git} write-tree`.chomp # Clean up temporary index FileUtils.rm_f(git_index_file) tree_sha end def create_commit tree_sha # Get parent commit if branch exists parent = get_parent_commit # Create commit object message = "'Deploying to #{@branch} from @ #{@sha} 🚀'" args = ['commit-tree', tree_sha] args += ['-p', parent] if parent args += ['-m', message] commit_sha = `git #{args.join(' ')}`.chomp commit_sha end def get_parent_commit sha = Git.sha_of("#{@branch}^{commit}") return sha if $?.success? nil # Branch doesn't exist yet end def commit_and_push commit_sha if branch_exists? run! "git update-ref refs/heads/#{@branch} #{commit_sha}" else run! "git branch #{@branch} #{commit_sha}" end run! "git push -f origin #{@branch}:refs/heads/#{@branch}" end def branch_exists? system("git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/#{@branch}") end end end