#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' module MCollective describe SSL do before do @rootdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) @ssl = SSL.new("#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem", "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-private.pem") end it "should be able to decode base64 text it encoded" do @ssl.base64_decode(@ssl.base64_encode("foo")).should == "foo" end it "should decrypt what it encrypted with RSA" do crypted = @ssl.aes_encrypt("foo") decrypted = @ssl.aes_decrypt(crypted[:key], crypted[:data]) decrypted.should == "foo" end it "should be able to decrypt using RSA private key what it encrypted with RSA public key" do crypted = @ssl.rsa_encrypt_with_public("foo") decrypted = @ssl.rsa_decrypt_with_private(crypted) decrypted.should == "foo" end it "should be able to decrypt using RSA public key what it encrypted with RSA private key" do crypted = @ssl.rsa_encrypt_with_private("foo") decrypted = @ssl.rsa_decrypt_with_public(crypted) decrypted.should == "foo" end it "using a helper it should be able to decrypt with private key what it encrypted using the public key" do @ssl.decrypt_with_private(@ssl.encrypt_with_public("foo")).should == "foo" @ssl.decrypt_with_private(@ssl.encrypt_with_public("foo", false), false).should == "foo" end it "using a helper it should be able to decrypt with public key what it encrypted using the private key" do @ssl.decrypt_with_public(@ssl.encrypt_with_private("foo")).should == "foo" @ssl.decrypt_with_public(@ssl.encrypt_with_private("foo", false), false).should == "foo" end describe "#initialize" do it "should default to aes-256-cbc" do @ssl.ssl_cipher.should == "aes-256-cbc" end it "should take the configured value when present" do Config.instance.stubs("ssl_cipher").returns("aes-128-cbc") @ssl = SSL.new("#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem", "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-private.pem") @ssl.ssl_cipher.should == "aes-128-cbc" end it "should set the supplied ssl cipher" do @ssl = SSL.new("#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem", "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-private.pem", nil, "aes-128-cbc") @ssl.ssl_cipher.should == "aes-128-cbc" end it "should prefer the supplied cipher over configured cipher" do Config.instance.stubs("aes_key_size").returns("foo-foo-foo") @ssl = SSL.new("#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem", "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-private.pem", nil, "aes-128-cbc") @ssl.ssl_cipher.should == "aes-128-cbc" end it "should fail on invalid ciphers" do expect { @ssl = SSL.new("#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem", "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-private.pem", nil, "foo-foo-foo") }.to raise_error("The supplied cipher 'foo-foo-foo' is not supported") end end describe "#read_key" do it "should fail on non exiting files" do expect { @ssl.read_key(:public, "/nonexisting") }.to raise_error("Could not find key /nonexisting") end it "should fail on existing, empty files" do File.expects(:exist?).with('key').returns(true) File.expects(:zero?).with('key').returns(true) expect{ @ssl.read_key(:public, 'key') }.to raise_error("public key file 'key' is empty") end it "should fail on unknown key types" do expect { @ssl.read_key(:unknown, @ssl.public_key_file) }.to raise_error("Can only load :public or :private keys") end it "should read a public key" do @ssl.read_key(:public, "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem") end it "should read the public key from a certificate" do @ssl.read_key(:public, "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-cert.pem").to_s.should match(/.+BEGIN.+PUBLIC KEY.+END.+PUBLIC KEY.+/m) end it "should return nil if no key was given" do @ssl.read_key(:public).should == nil end it "should return nil if nil key was given" do @ssl.read_key(:public, nil).should == nil end it "should clear the OpenSSL error queue on ruby 1.8" do Util.expects(:ruby_version).returns("1.8.7") OpenSSL.expects(:errors) @ssl.read_key(:public, "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem") @ssl.read_key(:private, "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-private.pem") end it "should not clear the OpenSSL error queue on ruby > 1.8" do Util.expects(:ruby_version).returns("1.9.3") OpenSSL.expects(:errors).never @ssl.read_key(:public, "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem") @ssl.read_key(:private, "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-private.pem") end end describe "#base64_encode" do it "should correctly encode" do @ssl.base64_encode("foo").should == "Zm9v\n" SSL.base64_encode("foo").should == "Zm9v\n" end end describe "#base64_decode" do it "should correctly decode" do @ssl.base64_decode("Zm9v").should == "foo" SSL.base64_decode("Zm9v").should == "foo" end it 'should raise an error when decoding invalid base64' do expect { @ssl.base64_decode('.') }.to raise_error ArgumentError expect { SSL.base64_decode('.') }.to raise_error ArgumentError end end describe "#aes_encrypt" do it "should create a key and data" do crypted = @ssl.aes_encrypt("foo") crypted.include?(:key).should == true crypted.include?(:data).should == true end end describe "#aes_decrypt" do it "should decrypt correctly given key and data" do key = @ssl.base64_decode("rAaCyW6qB0XqZNa9hji0qHwrI3P47t8diLNXoemW9ss=") data = @ssl.base64_decode("mSthvO/wSl0ArNOcgysTVw==") @ssl.aes_decrypt(key, data).should == "foo" end it "should decrypt correctly given key, data and cipher" do key = @ssl.base64_decode("VEma3a/R7fjw2M4d0NIctA==") data = @ssl.base64_decode("FkH6qLvKTn7a+uNPe8ciHA==") # the default aes-256-cbc should fail here, the key above is 128 bit # the exception classes changed mid-1.9.2 and again later in 2.4 :( if OpenSSL.constants.include?("CipherError") expect { @ssl.aes_decrypt(key, data) }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::CipherError) elsif RUBY_VERSION =~ /^2\.4/ expect { @ssl.aes_decrypt(key, data) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) else expect { @ssl.aes_decrypt(key, data) }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError) end # new ssl instance configured for aes-128-cbc, should work @ssl = SSL.new("#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-public.pem", "#{@rootdir}/../../fixtures/test-private.pem", nil, "aes-128-cbc") @ssl.aes_decrypt(key, data).should == "foo" end end describe "#md5" do it "should produce correct md5 sums" do # echo -n 'hello world'|md5sum @ssl.md5("hello world").should == "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3" end end describe "#sign" do it "should sign the message without base64 by default" do SSL.md5(@ssl.sign("hello world")).should == "8269b23f55945aaa82efbff857c845a6" end it "should support base64 encoding messages" do SSL.md5(@ssl.sign("hello world", true)).should == "8a4eb3c3d44d22c46dc36a7e441d8db0" end end describe "#verify_signature" do it "should correctly verify a message signed using the same keypair" do @ssl.verify_signature(@ssl.sign("hello world"), "hello world").should == true @ssl.verify_signature(@ssl.sign("hello world", true), "hello world", true).should == true end it "should fail to verify messages not signed by the key" do @ssl.verify_signature("evil fake signature", "hello world").should == false end end describe "#decrypt_with_public" do it "should decrypt correctly given key and data in base64 format" do crypted = {:key=> "YaRcSDdcKgnRZ4Eu2eirl/+lzDgVkPZ41kXAQQNOi+6AfjdbbOW7Zblibx9r\n3TzZAi0ulA94gqNAXPvPC8LaO8W9TtJwlto/RHwDM7ZdfqEImSYoVACFNq28\n+0MLr3K3hIBsB1pyxgFTQul+MrCq+3Fik7Nj7ZKkJUT2veyqbg8=", :data=>"TLVw1EYeOaGDmEC/R2I/cA=="} @ssl.decrypt_with_public(crypted).should == "foo" end end describe "#decrypt_with_private" do it "should decrypt correctly given key and data in base64 format" do crypted = {:key=> "kO1kUgJBiEBdoajN4OHp9BOie6dCznf1YKbBnp3LOyBxcDDQtjxEBlPmjQve\npXrQJ5xpLX6oNBxzU18Pf2SKYUZSbzIkDUb97GQY0WoBQsdM2OwPXH+HtF2A\no5N8iIx9srPAEAFa6hZAdqvcmRT/SzhP1kH+Gyy8fyvW8HGBjNY=", :data=>"gDTaHCmes/Yua4jtjmgukQ=="} @ssl.decrypt_with_private(crypted).should == "foo" end end describe "#decrypt_with_private" do it "should fail if not given a key" do expect { @ssl.decrypt_with_private({:iv => "x", :data => "x"}) }.to raise_error("Crypted data should include a key") end it "should fail if not given data" do expect { @ssl.decrypt_with_private({:iv => "x", :key => "x"}) }.to raise_error("Crypted data should include data") end end describe "#decrypt_with_public" do it "should fail if not given a key" do expect { @ssl.decrypt_with_public({:iv => "x", :data => "x"}) }.to raise_error("Crypted data should include a key") end it "should fail if not given data" do expect { @ssl.decrypt_with_public({:iv => "x", :key => "x"}) }.to raise_error("Crypted data should include data") end end describe "#uuid" do it "should produce repeatable uuids" do SSL.uuid("hello world").should == SSL.uuid("hello world") end it "should not always produce the same uuid" do SSL.uuid.should_not == SSL.uuid end end end end