motion_require './table/refresh_mixin' module MotionPrime class TableSection < BaseSection include TableSectionRefreshMixin include HasStyleChainBuilder include HasSearchBar attr_accessor :table_element, :did_appear before_render :render_table def table_data [] end def data @data ||= table_data.tap { |cells| set_cells_table(cells) } end def set_cells_table(cells) cells.each { |cell| cell.table = self if cell.respond_to?(:table=) } end def data_stamp_for(id) @data_stamp[id] end def set_data_stamp(cell_ids) @data_stamp ||= {} [*cell_ids].each { |id| @data_stamp[id] = } end def reset_data_stamps keys = do |row, id| if row.is_a?(Array) section = id rows = (0...row.count) else section = 0 rows = [id] end { |row| "#{section}_#{row}" } end.flatten set_data_stamp(keys) end def reload_data @did_appear = false @data = nil reset_data_stamps table_view.reloadData end def table_styles type = self.is_a?(FormSection) ? :base_form : :base_table base_styles = [type] base_styles << :"#{type}_with_sections" unless flat_data? item_styles = [name.to_sym] item_styles << @styles if @styles.present? {common: base_styles, specific: item_styles} end def cell_styles(cell) # type: cell/field/header type = cell.respond_to?(:cell_type) ? cell.cell_type : 'cell' suffixes = [type] if cell.is_a?(BaseFieldSection) suffixes << cell.default_name elsif cell.respond_to?(:cell_name) suffixes << cell.cell_name end styles = { common: build_styles_chain(table_styles[:common], suffixes), specific: build_styles_chain(table_styles[:specific], suffixes) } if cell.respond_to?(:container_styles) && cell.container_styles.present? styles[:specific] += Array.wrap(cell.container_styles) end styles end def render_table reset_data_stamps options = { styles: table_styles.values.flatten, delegate: self, data_source: self, style: (UITableViewStyleGrouped unless flat_data?) } self.table_element = screen.table_view(options) end def table_view table_element.view end def hide table_view.try(:hide) end def show table_view.try(:show) end def numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView) number_of_sections end def number_of_sections has_many_sections? ? data.count : 1 end def has_many_sections? data.any? && data.first.is_a?(Array) end def row_by_index(index) rows_for_section(index.section)[index.row] end def render_cell(index, table) item = row_by_index(index) # DrawSection allows as to draw inside the cell view, so we can setup # to use cell view as container if item.is_a?(MotionPrime::DrawSection) item.render(to: screen, as: :cell, styles: cell_styles(item).values.flatten, reuse_identifier: cell_name(table, index) ) else screen.table_view_cell section: item, styles: cell_styles(item).values.flatten, reuse_identifier: cell_name(table, index), parent_view: table_view do item.render(to: screen) end end end def on_click(table, index) end def on_appear; end def on_row_render(cell, index); end def cell_name(table, index) record = row_by_index(index) if record && record.model && record.model.respond_to?(:id) && "cell_#{}_#{data_stamp_for("#{index.section}_#{index.row}")}" else "cell_#{index.section}_#{index.row}_#{data_stamp_for("#{index.section}_#{index.row}")}" end end def cached_cell(index, table = nil) table ||= self.table_view table.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(cell_name(table, index)) end # def tableView(table, viewForFooterInSection: section) # cause bug in ios7.0.0-7.0.2 # # end # def tableView(table, heightForFooterInSection: section) # 0.1 # end # ALIASES # --------------------- def tableView(table, cellForRowAtIndexPath:index) @rendered_cells ||= [] @rendered_cells[index.section] ||= [] cell = cached_cell(index, table) || render_cell(index, table).tap do |cell| @rendered_cells[index.section][index.row] = cell on_row_render(cell, index) end # run table view is appeared callback if needed if !@did_appear && index.row == rows_for_section(index.section).size - 1 on_appear end cell.is_a?(UIView) ? cell : cell.view end def tableView(table, numberOfRowsInSection:section) rows_for_section(section).length end def tableView(table, didSelectRowAtIndexPath:index) on_click(table, index) end def tableView(table, heightForRowAtIndexPath:index) rows_for_section(index.section)[index.row].container_height end def flat_data? number_of_sections == 1 end def rows_for_section(section) flat_data? ? data : data[section] end end end