module ChainReactor require 'reactor' # Error raised when there's a error parsing the chain file. # # This contains the original exception raised by eval(). class ChainfileParserError < StandardError attr_reader :original def initialize(original) @original = original super(original.message.gsub(/\sfor #/,'')) end end # Parse the chain file and register reaction code blocks and network addresses. class ChainfileParser # Set up a parser with a File object representing the chain file. def initialize(chainfile,config,logger) @file = chainfile @config = config @reactions = 0 @reactor = @log = logger end # Parse the chain file and return a reactor object. # # A ChainfileParserError is raised if the chain file has invalid syntax. def parse begin eval rescue Exception => e raise ChainfileParserError, e end if @log.error { "No reactions registered, no reason to continue" } raise 'No reactions registered, no reason to continue' else { "Registered #{@reactions} reactions in the chain file" } end @reactor end # Register a reaction block, with IP addresses, arguments and a code block def react_to(addresses,args = {},&block) addresses = [*addresses] @reactions += 1 @reactor.add(addresses,args,block) end # Set the address to bind to. def address(addr) @config.address = addr end # Set the port to listen on. def port(port) @config.port = port end # Set the pid file path. def pidfile(pidfile) @config.pid_file = pidfile end # # Set the log file path. def logfile(logfile) @config.log_file = logfile end # Set whether to run multithreaded. def multithreaded(multithreaded = true) @config.multithreaded = !!multithreaded end end end