require 'spec_helper' describe Net::LDAP::Filter do describe "<- .ex(attr, value)" do context "('foo', 'bar')" do attr_reader :filter before(:each) do @filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.ex('foo', 'bar') end it "should convert to 'foo:=bar'" do filter.to_s.should == '(foo:=bar)' end it "should survive roundtrip via to_s/from_rfc2254" do Net::LDAP::Filter.from_rfc2254(filter.to_s).should == filter end it "should survive roundtrip conversion to/from ber" do ber = filter.to_ber Net::LDAP::Filter.parse_ber(ber.read_ber(Net::LDAP::AsnSyntax)).should == filter end end context "various legal inputs" do [ '(o:dn:=Ace Industry)', '(:dn:', '(cn:dn: Smith)', '(sn:dn: Jones)', ].each do |filter_str| context "from_rfc2254(#{filter_str.inspect})" do attr_reader :filter before(:each) do @filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.from_rfc2254(filter_str) end it "should decode into a Net::LDAP::Filter" do filter.should be_an_instance_of(Net::LDAP::Filter) end it "should survive roundtrip conversion to/from ber" do ber = filter.to_ber Net::LDAP::Filter.parse_ber(ber.read_ber(Net::LDAP::AsnSyntax)).should == filter end end end end end describe "<- .construct" do it "should accept apostrophes in filters (regression)" do Net::LDAP::Filter.construct("uid=O'Keefe").to_rfc2254.should == "(uid=O'Keefe)" end end describe "convenience filter constructors" do def eq(attribute, value) described_class.eq(attribute, value) end describe "<- .equals(attr, val)" do it "should delegate to .eq with escaping" do described_class.equals('dn', 'f*oo').should == eq('dn', 'f\2Aoo') end end describe "<- .begins(attr, val)" do it "should delegate to .eq with escaping" do described_class.begins('dn', 'f*oo').should == eq('dn', 'f\2Aoo*') end end describe "<- .ends(attr, val)" do it "should delegate to .eq with escaping" do described_class.ends('dn', 'f*oo').should == eq('dn', '*f\2Aoo') end end describe "<- .contains(attr, val)" do it "should delegate to .eq with escaping" do described_class.contains('dn', 'f*oo').should == eq('dn', '*f\2Aoo*') end end end describe "<- .escape(str)" do it "should escape !, &, *, :, | and ~" do Net::LDAP::Filter.escape('!&*:|~').should == "\\21\\26\\2A\\3A\\7C\\7E" end end end