require 'pp' require 'rbconfig' require 'optparse' # run a new ruby-interpreter in a separate process and return it's pid def ruby(*x) rb="ruby" $pcount||=0 $pcount+=1 pcount=$pcount Process.fork { fn="log#{pcount}.txt" puts fn puts `#{rb} #{x.join(" ")} >#{fn}` } end # default number of process is 4 options={:count=>4} do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: nettest [options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Specific options:" opts.on("-d", "--enable-debug", "enable debugging") do options[:debug]=true end opts.on("--count PROESS_COUNT") do |count| options[:count]=count.to_i end if block_given? yield opts end end opts.parse! pp options options[:count].times{|c| puts "starting Process #{c}" ruby("main.rb","--http-port",2000+c) } puts "Waiting for processes to finish..." Process.wait