# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe AMQP do # # Environment # include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec default_timeout 5 amqp_before do @channel = AMQP::Channel.new end # # Examples # describe "#queue" do context "when queue name is specified" do let(:name) { "a queue declared at #{Time.now.to_i}" } it "declares a new queue with that name" do queue = @channel.queue(name) queue.name.should == name done end it "caches that queue" do queue = @channel.queue(name) @channel.queue(name).object_id.should == queue.object_id done end end # context context "when queue name is passed on as an empty string" do it "uses server-assigned queue name" do @channel.queue("") do |queue, *args| queue.name.should_not be_empty queue.delete done(0.3) end end end # context context "when queue is redeclared with different attributes" do let(:name) { "amqp-gem.nondurable.queue" } let(:options) { {:durable => false, :passive => false} } let(:different_options) { {:durable => true, :passive => false} } amqp_before do @queue = @channel.queue(name, options) delayed(0.25) { @queue.delete } end context "on the same channel" do it "should raise ruby exception" do expect { @other_queue = @channel.queue(name, different_options) }.to raise_error(AMQP::IncompatibleOptionsError) @queue.delete done(0.2) end end context "on different channels (or even in different processes)" do amqp_before { @other_channel = AMQP::Channel.new } it "should not raise ruby exception" do expect { @other_queue = @other_channel.queue(name, different_options) }.to_not raise_error done end it "should trigger channel-level #on_error callback" do @other_channel.on_error {|*args| @callback_fired = true } @other_queue = @other_channel.queue(name, different_options) done(0.35) { @callback_fired.should be_true @other_channel.should be_closed } end end end context "when passive option is used" do context "and queue with given name already exists" do it "silently returns" do name = "a_new_queue declared at #{Time.now.to_i}" original_queue = @channel.queue(name) queue = @channel.queue(name, :passive => true) queue.should == original_queue done end # it end context "and queue with given name DOES NOT exist" do it "raises an exception" do pending "Not yet supported" expect { exchange = @channel.queue("queue declared at #{Time.now.to_i}", :passive => true) }.to raise_error done end # it end # context end # context context "when queue is re-declared with parameters different from original declaration" do it "raises an exception" do @channel.queue("previously.declared.durable.queue", :durable => true) expect { @channel.queue("previously.declared.durable.queue", :durable => false) }.to raise_error(AMQP::IncompatibleOptionsError) done end # it end # context end # describe end # describe AMQP