# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. require 'test_helper' unless JRUBY version = ( defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) ? RUBY_ENGINE : 'Ruby' ) + ' ' + RUBY_VERSION puts "SKIP: '#{File.basename(__FILE__)}' only supported on JRuby (you're running #{version})" else require 'elasticsearch/transport/transport/http/manticore' require 'manticore' class Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::ManticoreTest < Minitest::Test include Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP context "Manticore transport" do setup do @transport = Manticore.new :hosts => [ { :host => '', :port => 8080 } ] end should "implement host_unreachable_exceptions" do assert_instance_of Array, @transport.host_unreachable_exceptions end should "implement __build_connections" do assert_equal 1, @transport.hosts.size assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.size assert_instance_of ::Manticore::Client, @transport.connections.first.connection end should "not close connections in __close_connections" do assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.size @transport.__close_connections assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.size end should "perform the request" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:get).returns(stub_everything) @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' end should "set body for GET request" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:get). with('', {:body => '{"foo":"bar"}'}).returns(stub_everything) @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/', {}, '{"foo":"bar"}' end should "set body for PUT request" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:put). with('', {:body => '{"foo":"bar"}'}).returns(stub_everything) @transport.perform_request 'PUT', '/', {}, {:foo => 'bar'} end should "serialize the request body" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:post). with('', {:body => '{"foo":"bar"}'}).returns(stub_everything) @transport.perform_request 'POST', '/', {}, {'foo' => 'bar'} end should "set custom headers for PUT request" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:put). with('', {:body => '{"foo":"bar"}', :headers => {"Content-Type" => "application/x-ndjson"}}) .returns(stub_everything) @transport.perform_request 'PUT', '/', {}, '{"foo":"bar"}', {"Content-Type" => "application/x-ndjson"} end should "not serialize a String request body" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:post). with('', {:body => '{"foo":"bar"}'}).returns(stub_everything) @transport.serializer.expects(:dump).never @transport.perform_request 'POST', '/', {}, '{"foo":"bar"}' end should "set application/json header" do options = { :headers => { "content-type" => "application/json"} } transport = Manticore.new :hosts => [ { :host => 'localhost', :port => 8080 } ], :options => options transport.connections.first.connection.stub("http://localhost:8080//", :body => "\"\"", :headers => {"content-type" => "application/json"}, :code => 200 ) response = transport.perform_request 'GET', '/', {} assert_equal response.status, 200 end should "set headers from 'transport_options'" do options = { :transport_options => { :headers => { "Content-Type" => "foo/bar"} } } transport = Manticore.new :hosts => [ { :host => 'localhost', :port => 8080 } ], :options => options assert_equal('foo/bar', transport.connections.first.connection.instance_variable_get(:@options)[:headers]['Content-Type']) # TODO: Needs to check @request_options end should "handle HTTP methods" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:delete).with('', {}).returns(stub_everything) @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:head).with('', {}).returns(stub_everything) @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:get).with('', {}).returns(stub_everything) @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:put).with('', {}).returns(stub_everything) @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:post).with('', {}).returns(stub_everything) %w| HEAD GET PUT POST DELETE |.each { |method| @transport.perform_request method, '/' } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @transport.perform_request 'FOOBAR', '/' } end should "allow to set options for Manticore" do options = { :headers => {"User-Agent" => "myapp-0.0" }} transport = Manticore.new :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => options transport.connections.first.connection .expects(:get) .with do |host, options| assert_equal 'myapp-0.0', options[:headers]['User-Agent'] true end .returns(stub_everything) transport.perform_request 'GET', '/', {} end should "allow to set ssl options for Manticore" do options = { :ssl => { :truststore => "test.jks", :truststore_password => "test", :verify => false } } ::Manticore::Client.expects(:new).with(options) transport = Manticore.new :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => options end should "pass :transport_options to Manticore::Client" do options = { :transport_options => { :potatoes => 1 } } ::Manticore::Client.expects(:new).with(:potatoes => 1, :ssl => {}) transport = Manticore.new :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => options end end end end