module Archetype::SassExtensions::Styleguide
# given a sentence, deconstruct it into it's identifier and verbages
# *Parameters*:
# - sentence {String|List} the sentence describing the component
# - theme {String} the theme to use
# - state {String} the name of a state to return
# *Returns*:
# - {Array} an array containing the identifer, modifiers, and a token
def grammar(sentence, theme = nil, state = nil)
theme = get_theme(theme)
components = theme[:components]
# get a list of valid ids
styleguideIds = components.keys
sentence = sentence.split if sentence.is_a? String
id, modifiers = grammarize(sentence, styleguideIds)
# if there was no id, return a list of valid IDs for reporting
modifiers = styleguideIds if id.nil?
# get the list of currenty installed component extensions
extensions = theme[:extensions] if not id.nil?
# TODO - low - eoneill: make sure we always want to return unique modifiers
# i can't think of a case where we wouldn't want to remove dups
# maybe in the case where we're looking for strict keys on the lookup?
modifiers = modifiers.uniq
token = memoizer.tokenize(theme[:name], extensions, id, modifiers, state)
return id, modifiers, token
# given a sentence, convert it to it's internal representation
# *Parameters*:
# - sentence {Array|List} the sentence describing the component
# - ids {Array} the list of identifiers
# *Returns*:
# - {Array} an array containing the identifer and modifiers
def grammarize(sentence, ids = [])
sentence = sentence.to_a
id = nil
modifiers = []
if not sentence.empty?
prefix = ''
order = ''
# these define various attributes for modifiers (e.g. `button with a shadow`)
extras = %w(on with without)
# these are things that are useless to us, so we just leave them out
ignore = %w(a an also the this that is was it)
# these are our context switches (e.g. `headline in a button`)
contexts = %w(in within)
sentence.each do |item|
item = item.value if not item.is_a?(String)
# find the ID
if id.nil? and ids.include?(item) and prefix.empty? and order.empty?
id = item
# if it's a `context`, we need to increase the depth and reset the prefix
elsif contexts.include?(item)
order = "#{item}-#{order}"
prefix = ''
# if it's an `extra`, we update the prefix
elsif extras.include?(item)
prefix = "#{item}-"
# finally, check that it's not on the ignore (useless) list. if it is, we just skip over it
# (maybe this should be the first thing we check?)
elsif not ignore.include?(item)
return id, modifiers