module AuthHelpers # Helper that find or initialize an object by attribute only if the given value is not blank. # If it's blank, create a new object using :new. # def self.find_or_initialize_by_unless_blank(klass, attr, value) if value.blank? else klass.send(:"find_or_initialize_by_#{attr}", value) end end # Helpers that generates a unique code for the given attribute by checking in # the database if the code already exists. # def self.generate_unique_string_for(klass, attr, length=40) begin value = AuthHelpers.random_string(length) end while klass.send(:"find_by_#{attr}", value) value end # Create a random string with the given length using letters and numbers. # def self.random_string(length) chars = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a newpass = '' 1.upto(length) { |i| newpass << chars.rand } return newpass end end