# Changelog VERSION = '0.2.0' [Fullcahnges](https://github.com/joel/heroku-resque-workers-scaler/pull/6) # Changelog VERSION = '0.1.9' [Fullcahnges](https://github.com/joel/heroku-resque-workers-scaler/pull/5) # Changelog VERSION = '0.1.8' [Fullcahnges](https://github.com/joel/heroku-resque-workers-scaler/pull/4) # Changelog VERSION = '0.1.7' [Fullcahnges](https://github.com/joel/heroku-resque-workers-scaler/pull/4) # Changelog VERSION = '0.1.6' * Changes name from heroku-resque-auto-scale to heroku-resque-workers-scaler # Changelog VERSION = '0.1.5' * Add safe mode for Heroku # Changelog VERSION = '0.1.4' * Add protection execution for determinate environments, defaults 'production' * Add possibilité of override config on your project # Changelog VERSION = '0.1.3' ## Principals changes : * Switch from Jeweler Gem generator to simple Bundler gem generator * Switch to Rspec from TestUnit * Switch to HerokuAPI Gem instead of Heroku Client Gem * Configuration into yaml file (optionnal) ### Requirements : You need to defined two vars for your heroku app : Go to your https://api.heroku.com/account for retreive your API Key heroku config:add HEROKU_API_KEY=your_api_key -a your_app_name heroku config:add HEROKU_APP_NAME=your_app_name -a your_app_name ### Configuration You can changes thresholds into scaler_config.yml (It's totally optional) ### Test You can test with this command line : HEROKU_API_KEY=your_api_key HEROKU_APP_NAME=your_app_name *** bundle exec *** rake spec