--- title: Setting up config.rb blurb: Review the key configuration values for making this extension work. layout: template-logo-medium order: 40 navigate: false --- <%= md_links %> <% content_for :seeAlso do %>
<% end %> # <%= current_page.data.title %> <%= current_page.data.blurb %> Some minimal configuration in your `config.rb` project file is required in order for `middlemac-extras` to be useful. ## Conflicting resources This extension uses Middleman's resource map to generate a lot of the information that it provides. Be sure to activate other extensions that might manipulate the resource map before activating middlemac-extras, such as MiddlemanPageGroups (which changes the output names of some files). Also our `image_tag` helper should inherit from other `image_tag` helpers, so it's best to make sure they're activated first. ## Extension Setup This extension has to be activated before it can be used. If you’re happy with the default configuration values, activation can be as simple as: ~~~ ruby activate: MiddlemacExtras ~~~ Otherwise the block format should be used to set the extension’s configuration variables: ~~~ ruby activate :MiddlemacExtras do |config| # If set to true, then the enhanced image_tag helper will be used # to include @2x srcset automatically, if the image asset exists. config.retina_srcset = true # If set to true then the `image_tag` helper will work for images even # if you don't specify an extension, but only if a file exists on disk # that has one of the extensions in :img_auto_extensions_order. config.img_auto_extensions = true # Set this to an array of extensions in the order of precedence for # using `image_tag` without file extensions. config.img_auto_extensions_order = %w(.svg .png .jpg .jpeg .gif .tiff .tif) end ~~~ ### Extension Options The extension options are described in the code snippet, above.