module Hubstats class QaSignoff < ActiveRecord::Base def self.record_timestamps; false; end # Various checks that can be used to filter, sort, and find info about QA Signoffs. scope :signed_within_date_range, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where("hubstats_qa_signoffs.signed_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date, end_date)} scope :belonging_to_repo, lambda {|repo_id| where(repo_id: repo_id)} scope :belonging_to_user, lambda {|user_id| where(user_id: user_id)} scope :belonging_to_pull_request, lambda {|pr_id| where(pull_request_id: pr_id)} scope :belonging_to_repos, lambda {|repo_id| where(repo_id: repo_id.split(',')) if repo_id} scope :belonging_to_users, lambda {|user_id| where(user_id: user_id.split(',')) if user_id} scope :belonging_to_pull_requests, lambda {|pr_id| where(pull_request_id: pr_id.split(',')) if pr_id} scope :distincter, -> { select("DISTINCT hubstats_qa_signoffs.*") } scope :with_repo_name, -> { select('DISTINCT as repo_name, hubstats_qa_signoffs.*').joins("LEFT JOIN hubstats_repos ON = hubstats_qa_signoffs.repo_id") } scope :with_user_name, -> { select('DISTINCT hubstats_users.login as user_name, hubstats_qa_signoffs.*').joins("LEFT JOIN hubstats_users ON = hubstats_qa_signoffs.user_id") } scope :with_pull_request_name, -> { select('DISTINCT hubstats_pull_requests.title as pr_name, hubstats_qa_signoffs.*').joins("LEFT JOIN hubstats_pull_requests ON = hubstats_qa_signoffs.pull_request_id") } belongs_to :user belongs_to :repo belongs_to :pull_request # Public - Makes a new QA Signoff with the data that is passed in. # # repo_id - the id of the repository # pr_id - the id of the pull request # user_id - the id of the user who added the label # # Returns - the QA Signoff def self.first_or_create(repo_id, pr_id, user_id) QaSignoff.create(user_id: user_id, repo_id: repo_id, pull_request_id: pr_id, label_name: 'qa-approved', signed_at: end # Public - Deletes the QA Signoff of the PR that is passed in. # # repo_id - the id of the repository the PR belongs to # pr_id - the id of the PR the signoff was deleted from # # Returns - the deleted QA Signoff def self.remove_signoff(repo_id, pr_id) signoff = Hubstats::QaSignoff.where(repo_id: repo_id).where(pull_request_id: pr_id).first signoff.destroy if signoff end end end