require 'albacore/task_types/asmver' require 'albacore/task_types/asmver/engine' require 'albacore/task_types/asmver/file_generator' include Albacore::Asmver describe Albacore::Asmver::Config, 'when misconfigured' do subject do end it 'should throw MissingOutputError by default' do expect(lambda { subject.opts }).to raise_error MissingOutputError end end describe Albacore::Asmver::Config do subject do 'A.fs' end it 'should have a namespace that\' RW' do subject.namespace = 'smirk' subject.namespace = subject.namespace + 'smirk' expect(subject.namespace).to eq 'smirksmirk' end it 'can add a #using' do subject.out = subject.using 'System' expect(subject.opts.get(:usings)).to include('System') end end %w|Fs Vb Cpp Cs|.each do |lang| require "albacore/task_types/asmver/#{lang.downcase}" describe "the #{lang} engine" do subject do "Albacore::Asmver::#{lang}".split('::').inject(Object) { |o, c| o.const_get c }.new end %w|build_attribute build_named_parameters build_positional_parameters build_using_statement build_comment namespace_end namespace_start|.each do |m| it "should have a public API ##{m.to_s}" do expect(subject).to respond_to :"#{m}" end end describe 'when building version attribute' do let :version do subject.build_attribute 'AssemblyVersion', '0.2.3' end it 'should contain the name AssemblyVersion' do version.should include('AssemblyVersion') end it 'should contain the version 0.2.3' do version.should include('0.2.3') end it 'should include the "assembly:" string' do version.should include('assembly: ') end end describe 'when building using statement' do let :using do subject.build_using_statement 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices' end it 'should contain the namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices' do using.should =~ /System.{1,2}Runtime.{1,2}CompilerServices/ end end describe 'when building named parameters' do let :plist do subject.build_named_parameters milk_cows: true, birds_fly: false, hungry_server: 'sad server' end it 'should include the parameter names' do plist.should =~ /milk_cows .{1,2} true. birds_fly .{1,2} false. hungry_server .{1,2} "sad server"/ end end describe 'when building positional parameters' do let :plist do subject.build_positional_parameters ((%w|a b c hello|) << false) end it 'should include the positional parameters' do plist.should eq('"a", "b", "c", "hello", false') end end describe 'when building single line comment' do let :comment do subject.build_comment 'this is my comment' end it 'should include the string verbatim' do comment =~ /this is my comment/ end let :expected do { 'Fs' => %r{// this is my comment}, 'Vb' => %r{' this is my comment}, 'Cs' => %r{// this is my comment}, 'Cpp' => %r{// this is my comment} }[lang] end it 'should include the correct syntax for single line comment' do comment.should =~ expected end end describe 'when building a multi-line comment' do let :comment do subject.build_comment %{This is a very interesting comment on many lines} end let :expected do { 'Cs' => %{/* This is a very interesting comment on many lines */}, 'Fs' => %{(* This is a very interesting comment on many lines *)}, 'Vb' => %{' This is a very interesting comment ' on many lines}, 'Cpp' => %{/* This is a very interesting comment on many lines */} }[lang] end it 'should build the multiline comment' do comment.should eq(expected) end end describe 'when building namespace' do let :ns do subject.send :namespace_start, 'This.Ns.Here' end it 'should include the string verbatim' do ns =~ /This\.Ns\.Here/ end let :expected do { 'Fs' => %r{namespace This\.Ns\.Here}, 'Vb' => %r{^$}, 'Cs' => %r{^$}, 'Cpp' => %r{namespace This::Ns::Here \{} }[lang] end it 'should include the correct syntax for single line comment' do ns.should =~ expected end end end end describe FileGenerator do subject do, 'MyNamespace.Here', {}) end it do subject.should respond_to(:generate) end it 'can be constructed with empty namespace' do, '', {}) end end describe FileGenerator, 'when generating F# file' do before :all do @out = subject =, 'My.Fs.Ns', {}) subject.generate @out, com_visible: false, assembly_title: 'My.Ns', assembly_version: '0.1.2', custom_thing: %w|a b c|, named_thing: { :b => 3, :c => 'hi' }, CLSCompliant: true end let :generated do @out.string end it 'should include namespace' do expect(generated).to match /namespace My\.Fs\.Ns(\r\n?|\n)/ end it 'should open System.Reflection' do expect(generated).to match /open System\.Reflection/ end it 'should open System.Runtime.CompilerServices' do expect(generated).to match /open System\.Runtime\.CompilerServices/ end it 'should open System.Runtime.InteropServices' do expect(generated).to match /open System\.Runtime\.InteropServices/ end it 'should generate the ComVisible attribute' do expect(generated).to include('[]') end it 'should generate the AssemblyTitle attribute' do expect(generated).to include('[]') end it 'should generate the AssemblyVersion attribute' do expect(generated).to include('[]') end it 'should generate the CustomThing attribute' do expect(generated).to include('[]') end it 'should generate the NamedThing attribute' do expect(generated).to include('[]') end it 'should generate the CLSCompliant attribute' do expect(generated).to include('[]') end it 'should end with ()\n' do expect(generated).to match /\(\)(\r\n?|\n)$/m end end describe FileGenerator, 'when given extra "usings"' do before :all do @out = subject =, '', usings: ['System'] subject.generate @out, assembly_title: 'My.Asm' end let :generated do @out.string end it 'should open System' do expect(generated).to match /open System/ end it 'should open System.Reflection' do expect(generated).to match /open System\.Reflection/ end it 'should open System.Runtime.CompilerServices' do expect(generated).to match /open System\.Runtime\.CompilerServices/ end it 'should open System.Runtime.InteropServices' do expect(generated).to match /open System\.Runtime\.InteropServices/ end end describe FileGenerator, 'when it should generate NO NAMESPACE' do before :all do @out = subject =, '', {}) subject.generate @out, com_visible: false, assembly_title: 'My.Asm', assembly_version: '0.1.2', custom_thing: %w|a b c|, named_thing: { :b => 3, :c => 'hi' } end let :generated do @out.string end it 'should not include \'namespace\'' do expect(generated).to_not include('namespace') end end