require "spec_helper" describe TriviaCrack::API::Game do let(:session) { session_id: "session", user_id: 1 } let(:client) { ( { include TriviaCrack::API::Game }).new session } let(:response) { double(code: code, body: raw_data) } before { allow(Unirest).to receive(:get) { response } } before { allow(Unirest).to receive(:post) { response } } describe "#get_games" do subject { client.get_games[3] } let(:raw_data) { SpecData.get "dashboard.json" } context 'given that the request is successful' do let(:code) { 200 } it { expect(TriviaCrack::Parsers::GameParser).to receive(:parse).at_least 1; subject } it { be_a TriviaCrack::Game } end context 'given that the request fails' do let(:code) { 400 } it { expect{ subject }.to raise_error TriviaCrack::Errors::RequestError } end end describe "#get_game" do subject { client.get_game 123 } let(:raw_data) { SpecData.get "game.json" } context 'given that the request is successful' do let(:code) { 200 } it { expect(TriviaCrack::Parsers::GameParser).to receive(:parse).once; subject } it { be_a TriviaCrack::Game } end context 'given that the request fails' do let(:code) { 400 } it { expect{ subject }.to raise_error TriviaCrack::Errors::RequestError } end end describe "#start_new_game" do subject { client.start_new_game } let(:raw_data) { SpecData.get "new_game.json" } context 'given that the request is successful' do let(:code) { 201 } it { expect(TriviaCrack::Parsers::GameParser).to receive(:parse).once; subject } it { be_a TriviaCrack::Game } end context 'given that the request fails' do let(:code) { 400 } it { expect{ subject }.to raise_error TriviaCrack::Errors::RequestError } end end end