require 'spec_helper' describe Conjur::Command::Variables, logged_in: true do let(:collection_url) { "" } let(:base_payload) { { mime_type: 'text/json', kind: 'password' } } let(:id) { 'the-id' } let(:variable) { post_response(id) } describe_command "variable:create -m text/json -k password" do let(:id) { 'assigned-id' } it "lets the server assign the id" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with({ method: :post, url: collection_url, headers: {}, payload: base_payload }.merge(cert_store_options)).and_return(variable) expect { invoke }.to write({ id: 'assigned-id' }).to(:stdout) end end describe_command "variable:create -m text/json -k password the-id" do it "propagates the user-assigned id" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with({ method: :post, url: collection_url, headers: {}, payload: base_payload.merge({ id: 'the-id' }) }.merge(cert_store_options)).and_return(variable) expect { invoke }.to write({ id: 'the-id' }).to(:stdout) end end describe_command "variable:create -m text/json -k password the-id the-value" do it "propagates the user-assigned id and value" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with({ method: :post, url: collection_url, headers: {}, payload: base_payload.merge({ id: 'the-id', value: 'the-value' }) }.merge(cert_store_options)).and_return(variable) expect { invoke }.to write({ id: 'the-id' }).to(:stdout) end end describe_command "variable:create -v the-value-1 the-id the-value-2" do it "complains about conflicting values" do expect { invoke }.to raise_error("Received conflicting value arguments") end end describe_command "variable:create the-id -v the-value" do it "complains about extra arguments" do expect { invoke }.to raise_error("Received extra arguments 'the-value'") end end describe_command "variable:create" do it "provides default values for optional parameters mime_type and kind" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with({ method: :post, url: collection_url, headers: {}, payload: { mime_type: 'text/plain', kind: 'secret'} }.merge(cert_store_options)).and_return(variable) expect { invoke }.to write # invoke_silently end end end