$:.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'optparse' require 'logger' require 'time' require 'rho_connect_install_get_params' require 'rho_connect_install_constants' require 'rho_connect_install_utilities' include GetParams include Utilities # Simplify logger output format: [timestamp] message class Logger class Formatter #Format = "[%s] %s\n" def call(severity, time, progname, msg) "[%s] %s\n" % [format_datetime(time), msg] end end end #make sure script is only run by root users user = `whoami`.strip if user != "root" puts "This installation must be performed by the root user" exit(2) end #if options = {} optparse = OptionParser.new do|opts| options[:redis] = true opts.on( '--no-redis', '', 'Skip installing the redis server.') do options[:redis] = false end #do options[:offline] = false opts.on( '-o', '--offline', 'Check that all necessary files are installed in /opt/rhoconnect if no prefix is specified.' ) do options[:offline] = true end #do options[:prefix] = Constants::DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR opts.on( '-p', '--prefix PREFIX', 'Specify PREFIX as the installation directory. Defalut is /opt/rhoconnect.' ) do |file| options[:prefix] = file end #do options[:ruby_version] = "rubyee" opts.on( '-r', '--ruby-version VERSION', 'Specify version of ruby to be installed. Default is Ruby Enterprise.' ) do |ver| options[:ruby_version] = ver end #do options[:silent] = false opts.on( '-s', '--silent', 'Perform installation with minimal output' ) do options[:silent] = true end #do options[:web_server] = "apache2" opts.on( '-w', '--web-server SERVER', 'Specify apache2 or nginx. Default is Apache2.' ) do |server| options[:web_server] = server end #do opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'Display this screen.' ) do puts opts exit end #do end #do options[:start_dir] = `pwd`.strip optparse.parse! log = Logger.new(IO.readlines("#{options[:prefix]}info.dat").last.strip) log.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # simplify time output options[:log] = log #downcase all options hash string values options.each do |key, val| options[key] = val.downcase if val.class == String end #do #Start installation process #determine into what directory things will be installed rho = GetParams.get_flavor(options) if options[:offline] rho.check_for_installed_software_only else rho.execute_installation end #if