require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper.rb' context "params serializer" do setup do Person.restful_publish(:name, :current_location, :pets, :wallet, :created_at) Pet.restful_publish(:name) Wallet.restful_publish(:contents) @person = Person.create(:name => "Joe Bloggs", :current_location => "Under a tree", :birthday => "1942-01-11") @pet = @person.pets.create(:species => "cat", :age => 200, :name => "mietze") @wallet = @person.wallet = => "an old photo, 5 euros in coins") end teardown do reset_config end specify "should be able to serialize objects empty collections" do @person.pets = [] expected = { :name => "Joe Bloggs", :current_location => "Under a tree", :created_at => @person.created_at, :wallet_attributes=>{:contents=>"an old photo, 5 euros in coins"} } assert_nothing_raised do actual = @person.to_restful.serialize :params actual.should.== expected end end specify "should render correct date" do actual = @person.to_restful(:birthday).serialize(:params) expected = { :birthday => @person.birthday.to_s(:db) } Person.create(expected).birthday.should.== @person.birthday end specify "serialize to params" do actual = @person.to_restful.serialize(:params) expected = { :name => "Joe Bloggs", :current_location => "Under a tree", :created_at => @person.created_at, :wallet_attributes=>{:contents=>"an old photo, 5 euros in coins"}, :pets_attributes => [ {:name => "mietze"} ] } actual.should.== expected end specify "use correct key names for method that include '-' character" do actual = @person.to_restful(:oldest_pet).serialize(:params) expected = { :oldest_pet_attributes => {:name => "mietze"} } actual.should.== expected end specify "serialize to an ar params hash" do input = xml_fixture("pets")[:gracie] params = Restful.from_xml(input).serialize(:params) clone = Pet.create!(params) "Gracie" clone.species.should.== 123 clone.person_id.should.== end end