# encoding: UTF-8 require 'tc_helper.rb' class TestPackage < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @package = Axlsx::Package.new ws = @package.workbook.add_worksheet ws.add_row ['Can', 'we', 'build it?'] ws.add_row ['Yes!', 'We', 'can!'] @rt = Axlsx::RichText.new @rt.add_run "run 1", :b => true, :i => false ws.add_row [@rt] ws.rows.last.add_cell('b', :type => :text) ws.outline_level_rows 0, 1 ws.outline_level_columns 0, 1 ws.add_hyperlink :ref => ws.rows.first.cells.last, :location => 'https://github.com/randym' ws.workbook.add_defined_name("#{ws.name}!A1:C2", :name => '_xlnm.Print_Titles', :hidden => true) ws.workbook.add_view active_tab: 1, first_sheet: 0 ws.protect_range('A1:C1') ws.protect_range(ws.rows.last.cells) ws.add_comment :author => 'alice', :text => 'Hi Bob', :ref => 'A12' ws.add_comment :author => 'bob', :text => 'Hi Alice', :ref => 'F19' ws.sheet_view do |vs| vs.pane do |p| p.active_pane = :top_right p.state = :split p.x_split = 11080 p.y_split = 5000 p.top_left_cell = 'C44' end vs.add_selection(:top_left, { :active_cell => 'A2', :sqref => 'A2' }) vs.add_selection(:top_right, { :active_cell => 'I10', :sqref => 'I10' }) vs.add_selection(:bottom_left, { :active_cell => 'E55', :sqref => 'E55' }) vs.add_selection(:bottom_right, { :active_cell => 'I57', :sqref => 'I57' }) end ws.add_chart(Axlsx::Pie3DChart, :title => "これは?", :start_at => [0,3]) do |chart| chart.add_series :data=>[1,2,3], :labels=>["a", "b", "c"] chart.d_lbls.show_val = true chart.d_lbls.d_lbl_pos = :outEnd chart.d_lbls.show_percent = true end ws.add_chart(Axlsx::Line3DChart, :title => "axis labels") do |chart| chart.valAxis.title = 'bob' chart.d_lbls.show_val = true end ws.add_chart(Axlsx::Bar3DChart, :title => 'bar chart') do |chart| chart.add_series :data => [1,4,5], :labels => %w(A B C) chart.d_lbls.show_percent = true end ws.add_chart(Axlsx::ScatterChart, :title => 'scat man') do |chart| chart.add_series :xData => [1,2,3,4], :yData => [4,3,2,1] chart.d_lbls.show_val = true end ws.add_chart(Axlsx::BubbleChart, :title => 'bubble chart') do |chart| chart.add_series :xData => [1,2,3,4], :yData => [1,3,2,4] chart.d_lbls.show_val = true end @fname = 'axlsx_test_serialization.xlsx' img = File.expand_path('../fixtures/image1.jpeg', __FILE__) ws.add_image(:image_src => img, :noSelect => true, :noMove => true, :hyperlink=>"http://axlsx.blogspot.com") do |image| image.width=720 image.height=666 image.hyperlink.tooltip = "Labeled Link" image.start_at 5, 5 image.end_at 10, 10 end ws.add_image :image_src => File.expand_path('../fixtures/image1.gif', __FILE__) do |image| image.start_at 0, 20 image.width=360 image.height=333 end ws.add_image :image_src => File.expand_path('../fixtures/image1.png', __FILE__) do |image| image.start_at 9, 20 image.width = 180 image.height = 167 end ws.add_table 'A1:C1' ws.add_pivot_table 'G5:G6', 'A1:B3' ws.add_page_break "B2" end def test_use_autowidth @package.use_autowidth = false assert(@package.workbook.use_autowidth == false) end def test_core_accessor assert_equal(@package.core, @package.instance_values["core"]) assert_raise(NoMethodError) {@package.core = nil } end def test_app_accessor assert_equal(@package.app, @package.instance_values["app"]) assert_raise(NoMethodError) {@package.app = nil } end def test_use_shared_strings assert_equal(@package.use_shared_strings, nil) assert_raise(ArgumentError) {@package.use_shared_strings 9} assert_nothing_raised {@package.use_shared_strings = true} assert_equal(@package.use_shared_strings, @package.workbook.use_shared_strings) end def test_default_objects_are_created assert(@package.instance_values["app"].is_a?(Axlsx::App), 'App object not created') assert(@package.instance_values["core"].is_a?(Axlsx::Core), 'Core object not created') assert(@package.workbook.is_a?(Axlsx::Workbook), 'Workbook object not created') assert(Axlsx::Package.new.workbook.worksheets.size == 0, 'Workbook should not have sheets by default') end def test_created_at_is_propagated_to_core time = Time.utc(2013, 1, 1, 12, 0) p = Axlsx::Package.new :created_at => time assert_equal(time, p.core.created) end def test_serialization @package.serialize(@fname) assert_zip_file_matches_package(@fname, @package) assert_created_with_rubyzip(@fname, @package) File.delete(@fname) end def test_serialization_with_zip_command @package.serialize(@fname, zip_command: "zip") assert_zip_file_matches_package(@fname, @package) assert_created_with_zip_command(@fname, @package) File.delete(@fname) end def test_serialization_with_zip_command_and_absolute_path fname = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{@fname}" @package.serialize(fname, zip_command: "zip") assert_zip_file_matches_package(fname, @package) assert_created_with_zip_command(fname, @package) File.delete(fname) end def test_serialization_with_invalid_zip_command assert_raises Axlsx::ZipCommand::ZipError do @package.serialize(@fname, zip_command: "invalid_zip") end end def assert_zip_file_matches_package(fname, package) zf = Zip::File.open(fname) package.send(:parts).each{ |part| zf.get_entry(part[:entry]) } end def assert_created_with_rubyzip(fname, package) assert_equal 2098, get_mtime(fname, package).year, "XLSX files created with RubyZip have 2098 as the file mtime" end def assert_created_with_zip_command(fname, package) assert_equal Time.now.utc.year, get_mtime(fname, package).year, "XLSX files created with a zip command have the current year as the file mtime" end def get_mtime(fname, package) zf = Zip::File.open(fname) part = package.send(:parts).first entry = zf.get_entry(part[:entry]) entry.mtime.utc end def test_serialization_with_deprecated_argument warnings = capture_warnings do @package.serialize(@fname, false) end assert_equal 1, warnings.size assert_includes warnings.first, "confirm_valid as a boolean is deprecated" File.delete(@fname) end def test_serialization_with_deprecated_three_arguments warnings = capture_warnings do @package.serialize(@fname, true, zip_command: "zip") end assert_zip_file_matches_package(@fname, @package) assert_created_with_zip_command(@fname, @package) assert_equal 2, warnings.size assert_includes warnings.first, "with 3 arguments is deprecated" File.delete(@fname) end def capture_warnings(&block) original_warn = Kernel.instance_method(:warn) warnings = [] Kernel.send(:define_method, :warn) { |string| warnings << string } block.call original_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil Kernel.send(:define_method, :warn, original_warn) $VERBOSE = original_verbose warnings end # See comment for Package#zip_entry_for_part def test_serialization_creates_identical_files_at_any_time_if_created_at_is_set @package.core.created = Time.now zip_content_now = @package.to_stream.string Timecop.travel(3600) do zip_content_then = @package.to_stream.string assert zip_content_then == zip_content_now, "zip files are not identical" end end def test_serialization_creates_identical_files_for_identical_packages package_1, package_2 = 2.times.map do Axlsx::Package.new(:created_at => Time.utc(2013, 1, 1)).tap do |p| p.workbook.add_worksheet(:name => "Basic Worksheet") do |sheet| sheet.add_row [1, 2, 3] end end end assert package_1.to_stream.string == package_2.to_stream.string, "zip files are not identical" end def test_serialization_creates_files_with_excel_mime_type assert_equal(Marcel::MimeType.for(@package.to_stream), 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') end def test_validation assert_equal(@package.validate.size, 0, @package.validate) Axlsx::Workbook.send(:class_variable_set, :@@date1904, 9900) assert(@package.validate.size > 0) end def test_parts p = @package.send(:parts) #all parts have an entry assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /_rels\/\.rels/ }.size, 1, "rels missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /docProps\/core\.xml/ }.size, 1, "core missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /docProps\/app\.xml/ }.size, 1, "app missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/_rels\/workbook\.xml\.rels/ }.size, 1, "workbook rels missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/workbook\.xml/ }.size, 1, "workbook missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /\[Content_Types\]\.xml/ }.size, 1, "content types missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/styles\.xml/ }.size, 1, "styles missin") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/drawings\/_rels\/drawing\d\.xml\.rels/ }.size, @package.workbook.drawings.size, "one or more drawing rels missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/drawings\/drawing\d\.xml/ }.size, @package.workbook.drawings.size, "one or more drawings missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/charts\/chart\d\.xml/ }.size, @package.workbook.charts.size, "one or more charts missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/worksheets\/sheet\d\.xml/ }.size, @package.workbook.worksheets.size, "one or more sheet missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/worksheets\/_rels\/sheet\d\.xml\.rels/ }.size, @package.workbook.worksheets.size, "one or more sheet rels missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/comments\d\.xml/ }.size, @package.workbook.worksheets.size, "one or more sheet rels missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/pivotTables\/pivotTable\d\.xml/ }.size, @package.workbook.worksheets.first.pivot_tables.size, "one or more pivot tables missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/pivotTables\/_rels\/pivotTable\d\.xml.rels/ }.size, @package.workbook.worksheets.first.pivot_tables.size, "one or more pivot tables rels missing") assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~ /xl\/pivotCache\/pivotCacheDefinition\d\.xml/ }.size, @package.workbook.worksheets.first.pivot_tables.size, "one or more pivot tables missing") #no mystery parts assert_equal(25, p.size) end def test_shared_strings_requires_part @package.use_shared_strings = true @package.to_stream #ensure all cell_serializer paths are hit p = @package.send(:parts) assert_equal(p.select{ |part| part[:entry] =~/xl\/sharedStrings.xml/}.size, 1, "shared strings table missing") end def test_workbook_is_a_workbook assert @package.workbook.is_a? Axlsx::Workbook end def test_base_content_types ct = @package.send(:base_content_types) assert(ct.select { |c| c.ContentType == Axlsx::RELS_CT }.size == 1, "rels content type missing") assert(ct.select { |c| c.ContentType == Axlsx::XML_CT }.size == 1, "xml content type missing") assert(ct.select { |c| c.ContentType == Axlsx::APP_CT }.size == 1, "app content type missing") assert(ct.select { |c| c.ContentType == Axlsx::CORE_CT }.size == 1, "core content type missing") assert(ct.select { |c| c.ContentType == Axlsx::STYLES_CT }.size == 1, "styles content type missing") assert(ct.select { |c| c.ContentType == Axlsx::WORKBOOK_CT }.size == 1, "workbook content type missing") assert(ct.size == 6) end def test_content_type_added_with_shared_strings @package.use_shared_strings = true ct = @package.send(:content_types) assert(ct.select { |type| type.ContentType == Axlsx::SHARED_STRINGS_CT }.size == 1) end def test_name_to_indices assert(Axlsx::name_to_indices('A1') == [0,0]) assert(Axlsx::name_to_indices('A100') == [0,99], 'needs to axcept rows that contain 0') end def test_to_stream stream = @package.to_stream assert(stream.is_a?(StringIO)) # this is just a roundabout guess for a package as it is build now # in testing. assert(stream.size > 80000) # Stream (of zipped contents) should have appropriate default encoding assert stream.string.valid_encoding? assert_equal(stream.external_encoding, Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) # Cached ids should be cleared assert(Axlsx::Relationship.ids_cache.empty?) end def test_encrypt # this is no where near close to ready yet assert(@package.encrypt('your_mom.xlsxl', 'has a password') == false) end end