# ********************************************************************************* # URBANopt (tm), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-geojson-gem/blob/develop/LICENSE.md # ********************************************************************************* module URBANopt module GeoJSON module Helper ## # This method loops though all the surfaces of the space and creates shading # surfaces. It also removes the thermal zone and space type assigned to the space, # if any. # # Returns an Array of instances of +OpenStudio::Model::ShadingSurfaceGroup+ . # # Used to convert adjacent buildings to shading surfaces. # [Parameters] # * +space+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::Model::Space+ . def self.convert_to_shading_surface_group(space) name = space.name.to_s model = space.model shading_group = OpenStudio::Model::ShadingSurfaceGroup.new(model) space.surfaces.each do |surface| shading_surface = OpenStudio::Model::ShadingSurface.new(surface.vertices, model) shading_surface.setShadingSurfaceGroup(shading_group) end thermal_zone = space.thermalZone if !thermal_zone.empty? thermal_zone.get.remove end space_type = space.spaceType space.remove if !space_type.empty? && space_type.get.spaces.empty? space_type.get.remove end shading_group.setName(name) return [shading_group] end ## # Returns array containing instance of +OpenStudio::Model::ShadingSurface+ . # # Used to create Photovoltaics and assign efficiency. # # [Parameters] # * +feature+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of Feature class. # * +height+ - _Type:Integer_ - Indicates the building height. # * +model+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::Model::Model+ . # * +origin_lat_lon+ - _Type:Float_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::PointLatLon+ indicating the # origin's latitude & longitude. # * +runner+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of +Openstudio::Measure::OSRunner+ for the measure run. def self.create_photovoltaics(feature, height, model, origin_lat_lon, runner) feature_id = feature.feature_json[:properties][:properties] name = feature.name floor_prints = [] multi_polygons = feature.get_multi_polygons multi_polygons.each do |multi_polygon| if multi_polygon.size > 1 runner.registerWarning('Ignoring holes in polygon') end multi_polygon.each do |polygon| floor_print = floor_print_from_polygon(polygon, height, origin_lat_lon, runner) if floor_print floor_prints << OpenStudio.reverse(floor_print) else runner.registerWarning("Cannot create footprint for '#{name}'") end break end end shading_surfaces = [] floor_prints.each do |floor_print| shading_group = OpenStudio::Model::ShadingSurfaceGroup.new(model) shading_surface = OpenStudio::Model::ShadingSurface.new(floor_print, model) shading_surface.setShadingSurfaceGroup(shading_group) shading_surface.setName('Photovoltaic Panel') shading_surfaces << shading_surface end # create the inverter # :nodoc: inverter = OpenStudio::Model::ElectricLoadCenterInverterSimple.new(model) inverter.setInverterEfficiency(0.95) # create the distribution system # :nodoc: elcd = OpenStudio::Model::ElectricLoadCenterDistribution.new(model) elcd.setInverter(inverter) shading_surfaces.each do |shading_surface| panel = OpenStudio::Model::GeneratorPhotovoltaic.simple(model) panel.setSurface(shading_surface) performance = panel.photovoltaicPerformance.to_PhotovoltaicPerformanceSimple.get performance.setFractionOfSurfaceAreaWithActiveSolarCells(1.0) performance.setFixedEfficiency(0.3) elcd.addGenerator(panel) end return shading_surfaces end ## # Returns array containing instance of +OpenStudio::Model::ShadingSurface+ . # # [Parameters] # * +feature+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of Feature class. # * +model+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of _OpenStudio::Model::Model_ . # * +origin_lat_lon+ - _Type:Float_ - An instance of _OpenStudio::PointLatLon_ indicating the # origin's latitude and longitude. # * +runner+ - _Type:String_ - The measure run's instance of _OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner_ . # * +spaces+ -_Type:Array_ - Instances of _OpenStudio::Model::Space_ . def self.create_shading_surfaces(feature, model, origin_lat_lon, runner, spaces) max_z = 0 spaces.each do |space| bb = space.boundingBox max_z = [max_z, bb.maxZ.get].max end return create_photovoltaics(feature, max_z + 1, model, origin_lat_lon, runner) end ## # This method loops through all the stories in the model, and returns any space # types previously assigned. # # Returns array of +OpenStudio::Model::SpaceTypes+ . # # Used to create space types for each building story. # # [Parameters] # * +stories+ - _Type:Array_ - An array of model/building stories. # * +model+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of _OpenStudio::Model::Model_ . # * +runner+ - _Type:String_ - The measure run's instance of _OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner_ . def self.create_space_types(stories, model, runner) space_types = [] stories.each_index do |i| space_type = nil space = stories[i].spaces.first if space&.spaceType&.is_initialized space_type = space.spaceType.get else space_type = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType.new(model) runner.registerInfo("Story #{i} does not have a space type, creating new one") end space_types[i] = space_type end return space_types end ## # Returns an +OpenStudio::Point3dVector+ . # # Creates the floor print for a given polygon. # # [Parameters] # * +polygon+ - _Type:Array_ - An array of coordinate pairs. # e.g. # polygon = [ # [1, 5], # [5, 5], # [5, 1], # ] # # * +elevation+ - _Type:Integer_ - Indicates the elevation. # * +origin_lat_lon+ - _Type:Float_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::PointLatLon+ indicating the origin's latitude and longitude. # * +runner+ - _Type:String_ - The measure run's instance of +OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner+ . # * +zoning+ - _Type:Boolean_ - Value is +True+ if utilizing detailed zoning, else +False+. Zoning is set to False by default. # * +scaled_footprint_area+ - Used to scale the footprint area using the floor area. 0 by # default (no scaling). def self.floor_print_from_polygon(polygon, elevation, origin_lat_lon, runner, zoning = false, scaled_footprint_area = 0) floor_print = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new all_points = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon.each do |p| lon = p[0] lat = p[1] point_3d = origin_lat_lon.toLocalCartesian(OpenStudio::PointLatLon.new(lat, lon, 0)) point_3d = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(point_3d.x, point_3d.y, elevation) curr_print = zoning ? OpenStudio.getCombinedPoint(point_3d, all_points, 1.0) : point_3d floor_print << curr_print end if floor_print.size < 3 runner.registerWarning('Cannot create floor print, fewer than 3 points') return nil end floor_print = OpenStudio.removeCollinear(floor_print) normal = OpenStudio.getOutwardNormal(floor_print) if normal.empty? runner.registerWarning('Cannot create floor print, cannot compute outward normal') return nil elsif normal.get.z > 0 floor_print = OpenStudio.reverse(floor_print) runner.registerWarning('Reversing floor print') end # check for scaling if scaled_footprint_area > 0 # check that the scaled_footprint_area desired is no less than X % of the original original_floor_print_area = OpenStudio.getArea(floor_print).get if scaled_footprint_area / original_floor_print_area <= 0.5 || scaled_footprint_area / original_floor_print_area >= 2 # TOO MUCH SCALING...using original footprint when scaled is 2x bigger or smaller than the original runner.registerWarning('Desired scaled_footprint_area is a factor of 2 of the original footprint...keeping original footprint (no scaling!)') else new_floor_print = adjust_vertices_to_area(floor_print, scaled_footprint_area, runner) new_footprint_area = OpenStudio.getArea(new_floor_print).get runner.registerInfo("New floor area: #{new_footprint_area}, compared to scaled area desired: #{scaled_footprint_area}") floor_print = new_floor_print end end return floor_print end ## # Used to scale footprint to desired area while keeping the original shape. # # [Parameters] # * +vertices+ - _Type:Array_ - An array of vertices for the original floorprint # * +desired_area+ - _Type:String_ - Area to which you want to scale the vertices to # * +runner+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of +Openstudio::Measure::OSRunner+ for the measure run. # def self.adjust_vertices_to_area(vertices, desired_area, runner, eps = 0.1) ar = ScaleArea.new(vertices, desired_area, runner, eps) n = Newton.nlsolve(ar, [0]) return ar.new_vertices end ## # Calculate which other buildings are shading the current feature and return as an array of # +OpenStudio::Model::Space+. # # [Parameters] # * +building+ - _Type:URBANopt::GeoJSON::Building_ - The core building that other buildings will be referenced. # * +other_building_type+ - _Type:String_ - Describes the surrounding buildings. # * +other_buildings+ - _Type:URBANopt::GeoJSON::FeatureCollection_ - List of surrounding buildings to include (self will be ignored if present in list). # * +model+ - _Type:OpenStudio::Model::Model_ - An instance of an OpenStudio Model. # * +origin_lat_lon+ - _Type:Float_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::PointLatLon+ indicating the latitude and longitude of the origin. # * +runner+ - _Type:String_ - An instance of +Openstudio::Measure::OSRunner+ for the measure run. # * +zoning+ - _Type:Boolean_ - Value is +true+ if utilizing detailed zoning, else # +false+. Zoning is set to false by default. def self.process_other_buildings(building, other_building_type, other_buildings, model, origin_lat_lon, runner, zoning = false) # Empty array to store the new OpenStudio model spaces that need to be converted to shading objects feature_points = building.feature_points(origin_lat_lon, runner, zoning) other_spaces = [] runner.registerInfo("#{other_buildings[:features].size} nearby buildings found") other_buildings[:features].each do |other_building| other_id = other_building[:properties][:id] next if other_id == building.id # Consider building, if other building type is ShadingOnly and other id is not equal to building id if other_building_type == 'ShadingOnly' && other_id != building.id # Checks if any building point is shaded by any other building point. roof_elevation = other_building[:properties][:roof_elevation] number_of_stories = other_building[:properties][:number_of_stories] number_of_stories_above_ground = other_building[:properties][:number_of_stories_above_ground] maximum_roof_height = other_building[:properties][:maximum_roof_height] if number_of_stories_above_ground.nil? number_of_stories_above_ground = number_of_stories number_of_stories_below_ground = 0 else number_of_stories_below_ground = number_of_stories - number_of_stories_above_ground end floor_to_floor_height = 3 if number_of_stories_above_ground && number_of_stories_above_ground > 0 && maximum_roof_height floor_to_floor_height = maximum_roof_height / number_of_stories_above_ground end # check that feature has a # stories if number_of_stories_above_ground.nil? runner.registerWarning("[geojson process_other_buildings] Unable to include feature #{other_building[:properties][:id]} in shading calculations: no 'number of stories' data") end next if number_of_stories_above_ground.nil? other_height = number_of_stories_above_ground * floor_to_floor_height # find the polygon of the other_building by passing it to the get_multi_polygons method other_building_points = building.other_points(other_building, other_height, origin_lat_lon, runner, zoning) shadowed = URBANopt::GeoJSON::Helper.is_shadowed(feature_points, other_building_points, origin_lat_lon) if shadowed runner.registerInfo("Feature #{other_building[:properties][:id]} is acting as shading object for #{building.id}") end next unless shadowed new_building = building.create_other_building(:space_per_building, model, origin_lat_lon, runner, zoning, 0, other_building) if new_building.nil? || new_building.empty? runner.registerWarning("Failed to create spaces for other building '#{name}'") end other_spaces.concat(new_building) elsif other_building_type == 'None' end end return other_spaces end ## # Returns Boolean which indicates whether the specified building is shadowed by # other building. # # [Parameters] # * +potentially_shaded+ - _Type:Array_ - An array of instances of +OpenStudio::Point3d+ . # * +potential_shader+ - _Type:Array_ - Other array of instances of +OpenStudio::Point3d+ . # * +origin_lat_lon+ _Type:Float_ - An instance of OpenStudio::PointLatLon indicating the origin's # latitude and longitude. def self.is_shadowed(potentially_shaded, potential_shader, origin_lat_lon) # not using origin_lat_lon but have not removed it yet min_distance = nil min_pair = nil potentially_shaded.each do |building_point| potential_shader.each do |other_building_point| vector = other_building_point - building_point distance = Math.sqrt(vector.x * vector.x + vector.y * vector.y) if min_distance.nil? || distance < min_distance min_distance = distance min_pair = { building_point: building_point, other_building_point: other_building_point, vector: vector, distance: vector.length } end end end if is_shaded(min_pair[:building_point], min_pair[:other_building_point], origin_lat_lon) return true end return false end ## # Returns Boolean indicating if specified building is shadowed. # # [Parameters] # * +building_point+ - _Type:Float_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::Point3d+ . # * +other_building_point+ - _Type:Float_ - Other instance of +OpenStudio::Point3d+ . # * +origin_lat_lon+ - _Type:Float_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::PointLatLon+ indicating the # origin's latitude and longitude. def self.is_shaded(building_point, other_building_point, origin_lat_lon) # not using origin_lat_lon but have not removed it yet vector = other_building_point - building_point distance = Math.sqrt(vector.x * vector.x + vector.y * vector.y) if distance < 1 return true end elevation_angle = 2.5 #not sure of best value maybe allow as project level argument height = vector.z apparent_angle_rad = Math.atan2(height, distance) apparent_angle = OpenStudio.radToDeg(apparent_angle_rad) if elevation_angle < apparent_angle result = true else result = false end return result end class << self private :is_shaded end end end end