# rumour-ruby **rumour-ruby** is a Ruby wrapper to communicate with Rumour REST API. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'rumour-ruby' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install rumour-ruby ## Requirements To communicate with Rumour REST API you will need a Rumour account. ## Usage First, initialize a client: ```ruby access_token = 'your_rumour_access_token' rumour = Rumour::Client.new(access_token) ``` Then, send a text message: ```ruby from = '+15005550006' recipients = '+15005550005' rumour.send_text_message(from, recipient, Hello from Rumour!') #=> {'id' => '1', 'from' => '+15005550006', 'recipient' => '+15005550005', ... } ``` Or an Android Push Notification: ```ruby recipients = ['android::Registration-Id-Here'] rumour.send_push_notification( recipients, title: 'Push Notification Title', # optional text: 'Push Notification Text', # optional additional_data: { ... } # optional android: { data: { some_key: 'some_value'}}, # optional ) #=> [{'id' => '2', 'platform' => 'android', 'recipient' => 'Registration-Id-Here', ...}] ``` Or even an iOS Push Notification: ```ruby recipients = ['ios::Device-Token-Here'] rumour.send_push_notification( recipients, title: 'Push Notification Title', # optional text: 'Push Notification Text', # optional additional_data: { ... }, # optional ios: { alert: { badge: 2 } } # optional ) #=> [{'id' => '2', 'platform' => 'ios', 'recipient' => 'Device-Token-Here', ...}] ``` You can also send Push Notifications for multiple devices and platforms: ```ruby recipients = ['android::Registration-Id-Here', 'ios::Device-Token-Here'] rumour.send_push_notification( recipients, title: 'Push Notification Title', # optional text: 'Push Notification Text', # optional additional_data: { ... }, # optional android: { data: { some_key: 'some_value'}}, # optional ios: { alert: { badge: 2 } } # optional ) #=> [{'id' => '3', 'platform' => 'android', 'recipient' => 'Registration-Id-Here', ...}, {'id' => '4', 'platform' => 'ios', 'recipient' => 'Device-Token-Here', ...}] ``` ### Interceptors Intercept text messages and/or push notifications when you don't want to send stuff to real numbers. Every text message and/or push notification will be intercepted and sent to the recipients you might configure as interceptors: ```ruby # config/initializers/rumour.rb Rumour.configure do |config| config.intercept_text_message_recipient = 'your_mobile_phone_number' config.intercept_push_notification_recipients = ['android::your_registration_id'] end ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/joaodiogocosta/rumour-ruby/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request