# frozen_string_literal: true module SplitIoClient class Validators def initialize(config) @config = config end def valid_get_treatment_parameters(method, key, split_name, matching_key, bucketing_key, attributes) valid_key?(method, key) && valid_split_name?(method, split_name) && valid_matching_key?(method, matching_key) && valid_bucketing_key?(method, key, bucketing_key) && valid_attributes?(method, attributes) end def valid_get_treatments_parameters(method, split_names) valid_split_names?(method, split_names) end def valid_track_parameters(key, traffic_type_name, event_type, value, properties) valid_track_key?(key) && valid_traffic_type_name?(traffic_type_name) && valid_event_type?(event_type) && valid_value?(value) && valid_properties?(properties) end def valid_split_parameters(split_name) valid_split_name?(:split, split_name) end def valid_matcher_arguments(args) return false if !args.key?(:attributes) && !args.key?(:value) return false if args.key?(:value) && args[:value].nil? return false if args.key?(:attributes) && args[:attributes].nil? true end private def string?(value) value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) end def empty_string?(value) value.is_a?(String) && value.empty? end def number_or_string?(value) (value.is_a?(Numeric) && !value.to_f.nan?) || string?(value) end def log_nil(key, method) @config.logger.error("#{method}: you passed a nil #{key}, #{key} must be a non-empty String or a Symbol") end def log_empty_string(key, method) @config.logger.error("#{method}: you passed an empty #{key}, #{key} must be a non-empty String or a Symbol") end def log_invalid_type(key, method) @config.logger.error("#{method}: you passed an invalid #{key} type, #{key} must be a non-empty String or a Symbol") end def log_convert_numeric(key, method, value) @config.logger.warn("#{method}: #{key} \"#{value}\" is not of type String, converting") end def log_key_too_long(key, method) @config.logger.error("#{method}: #{key} is too long - must be #{@config.max_key_size} characters or less") end def valid_split_name?(method, split_name) if split_name.nil? log_nil(:split_name, method) return false end unless string?(split_name) log_invalid_type(:split_name, method) return false end if empty_string?(split_name) log_empty_string(:split_name, method) return false end true end def valid_key?(method, key) if key.nil? log_nil(:key, method) return false end true end def valid_matching_key?(method, matching_key) if matching_key.nil? log_nil(:matching_key, method) return false end unless number_or_string?(matching_key) log_invalid_type(:matching_key, method) return false end if empty_string?(matching_key) log_empty_string(:matching_key, method) return false end log_convert_numeric(:matching_key, method, matching_key) if matching_key.is_a? Numeric if matching_key.size > @config.max_key_size log_key_too_long(:matching_key, method) return false end true end def valid_bucketing_key?(method, key, bucketing_key) if key.is_a? Hash if bucketing_key.nil? log_nil(:bucketing_key, method) return false end unless number_or_string?(bucketing_key) log_invalid_type(:bucketing_key, method) return false end if empty_string?(bucketing_key) log_empty_string(:bucketing_key, method) return false end log_convert_numeric(:bucketing_key, method, bucketing_key) if bucketing_key.is_a? Numeric if bucketing_key.size > @config.max_key_size log_key_too_long(:bucketing_key, method) return false end end true end def valid_split_names?(method, split_names) unless !split_names.nil? && split_names.is_a?(Array) @config.logger.error("#{method}: feature_flag_names must be a non-empty Array") return false end true end def valid_attributes?(method, attributes) unless attributes.nil? || attributes.is_a?(Hash) @config.logger.error("#{method}: attributes must be of type Hash") return false end true end def valid_track_key?(key) if key.nil? log_nil(:key, :track) return false end unless number_or_string?(key) log_invalid_type(:key, :track) return false end if empty_string?(key) log_empty_string(:key, :track) return false end log_convert_numeric(:key, :track, key) if key.is_a? Numeric if key.size > @config.max_key_size log_key_too_long(:key, :track) return false end true end def valid_event_type?(event_type) if event_type.nil? log_nil(:event_type, :track) return false end unless string?(event_type) log_invalid_type(:event_type, :track) return false end if event_type.empty? log_empty_string(:event_type, :track) return false end if (event_type.to_s =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9][-_.:a-zA-Z0-9]{0,79}$/).nil? @config.logger.error("track: you passed '#{event_type}', " \ 'event_type must adhere to the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9][-_.:a-zA-Z0-9]{0,79}$. ' \ 'This means an event name must be alphanumeric, cannot be more than 80 characters long, ' \ 'and can only include a dash, underscore, period, or colon as separators of alphanumeric characters') return false end true end def valid_traffic_type_name?(traffic_type_name) if traffic_type_name.nil? log_nil(:traffic_type_name, :track) return false end unless string?(traffic_type_name) log_invalid_type(:traffic_type_name, :track) return false end if traffic_type_name.empty? log_empty_string(:traffic_type_name, :track) return false end unless traffic_type_name == traffic_type_name.downcase @config.logger.warn('track: traffic_type_name should be all lowercase - ' \ 'converting string to lowercase') end true end def valid_value?(value) unless (value.is_a?(Numeric) && !value.to_f.nan?) || value.nil? @config.logger.error('track: value must be Numeric') return false end true end def valid_properties?(properties) unless properties.is_a?(Hash) || properties.nil? @config.logger.error('track: properties must be a Hash') return false end true end end end