require_relative '../spec_helper.rb' describe MyPlugin do subject { MyPlugin } it 'should respond to template' do subject.should(respond_to(:template)) end context 'when templatizing plugins' do after(:each) do uncreate_plugin(subject, Foo) end before(:each) do subject.template(%w[baz bif]) end it 'should create them as classes within itself' do subject.constants.should(include(:BazBif)) end it 'should create them as subclasses of itself' do subject.const_get(:BazBif).should(be < subject) end it 'should allow customizing the classes' do uncreate_plugin(subject, Foo) subject.template(%w[baz bif]){ def bam() end } subject.const_get(:BazBif).new.should(respond_to(:bam)) end it 'should register methods on the specified class' do end it 'should wire those methods to the plugin_hook method of itself' do foo = subject.should_receive(:plugin_hook).with(foo, {}, :baz, :baz_bif) foo.baz_bif end it 'should allow the user to create a custom class that will also be registered' do Foo.registry[:baz_bif].should(be(subject.const_get(:BazBif))) end end end describe Ironfan::Dsl::Component do before(:each) do Ironfan::Dsl::Component.template(%w[baz bif]) do include Ironfan::Dsl::Component::Announcement magic :bam, Symbol, node_attr: 'a.b.c', default: nil def project(compute) compute.role(:called_from_project, compute) unless bam end end end after(:each) do uncreate_plugin(Ironfan::Dsl::Component, Ironfan::Dsl::Compute) end it 'should have its project method called by the plugin_hook' do Ironfan.cluster(:foo) do should_receive(:role).with(:called_from_project, self) baz_bif end end it 'should merge its node attribute to create a node' do node = node.set['a'] = {'b' => {'c' => :baz}} Ironfan.cluster(:foo) do baz_bif{ bam(:baz) }.to_node.to_hash.should == node.to_hash end end it 'should be instantiable from a node object' do node = node.set['a'] = {'b' => {'c' => :baz}} Ironfan::Dsl::Compute.registry[:baz_bif].from_node(node).bam.should == :baz end it 'should remember all of its node attributes' do Ironfan.cluster(:foo) do component = baz_bif{ bam(:baz) } component.to_node.to_hash.should == Ironfan::Dsl::Compute.registry[:baz_bif].from_node(component.to_node).to_node.to_hash end end context 'when announcing' do before (:each) do def make_plugin(name, server_b, bidirectional) Ironfan::Dsl::Component.template([name, server_b ? 'server' : 'client']) do include Ironfan::Dsl::Component::Announcement if server_b include Ironfan::Dsl::Component::Discovery if not server_b if bidirectional and not server_b STDERR.puts("defaulting #{name} to bidirectional") default_to_bidirectional end if server_b def project(compute) end else def project(compute) set_discovery compute, [announce_name] end end end end def make_plugin_pair(name, bidirectional = false) make_plugin(name, true, bidirectional); make_plugin(name, false, bidirectional); end make_plugin_pair(:bam) make_plugin_pair(:pow) make_plugin_pair(:zap, true) Ironfan.realm(:wap) do cloud(:ec2) cluster(:foo) do bam_client{ server_cluster :bar } pow_server end cluster(:bar) do bam_server pow_client{ server_cluster :foo } end cluster(:baz) do zap_client{ server_cluster :bif } end cluster(:bif) do zap_server end end.resolve! end after(:each) do [:BamServer, :BamClient, :PowServer, :PowClient, :ZapClient, :ZapServer].each do |class_name| Ironfan::Dsl::Component.send(:remove_const, class_name) end end it 'configures the correct security groups during discovery' do foo_group = Ironfan.realm(:wap).cluster(:foo).cloud(:ec2).security_group('wap_foo') bar_group = Ironfan.realm(:wap).cluster(:bar).cloud(:ec2).security_group('wap_bar') foo_group.group_authorized_by.should include('wap_bar') bar_group.group_authorized_by.should include('wap_foo') end it 'configures the correct security groups during bidirectional discovery' do baz_group = Ironfan.realm(:wap).cluster(:baz).cloud(:ec2).security_group('wap_baz') bif_group = Ironfan.realm(:wap).cluster(:bif).cloud(:ec2).security_group('wap_bif') baz_group.group_authorized_by.should include('wap_bif') baz_group.group_authorized.should include('wap_bif') end it 'does not configure extra security groups during bidirectional discovery' do Ironfan.realm(:wap).cluster(:baz).cloud(:ec2).security_groups.keys.should_not include('wap_bif') end end end