######################################################## # Author: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # # Defines the main methods that are necessary to execute PluginIndeterminations # Inherit: Plugin ######################################################## require "plugin" require "global_match" class PluginIndeterminations < Plugin def overlap(polys,mi_start,mi_end) # overlap = polys.find{|e| ( mi_start < e['end'])} overlap = polys.find{|e| ( overlapX?(mi_start,mi_end, e['begin'],e['end']) )} # puts " Overlap #{mi_start} #{mi_end} => #{overlap}" return overlap end MAX_RUBBISH = 3 # Begins the pluginFindPolyAt's execution whit the sequence "seq" # Uses the param poly_at_length to look for at least that number of contiguous A's def find_polys(ta,seq,actions) minn = 4 m2 = 1#(minn/2) m4 = (minn/4) r = [-1,0,0] re2 = /((#{ta}{#{m2},})(.{0,3})(#{ta}{#{1},}))/i type='ActionIndetermination' poly_base = 'N' matches = re2.global_match(seq.seq_fasta,3) matches2 = /[^N]N$/.match(seq.seq_fasta) # HASH polys = [] # crear una region poly nuevo poly = {} #i=0 matches.each do |pattern2| #puts pattern2.match[0] m_start = pattern2.match.begin(0)+pattern2.offset m_end = pattern2.match.end(0)+pattern2.offset-1 #puts "MATCH: #{m_start} #{m_end}" # does one exist in polys with overlap? # yes => group it, updated end # no => one new if (e=overlap(polys,m_start,m_end)) e['end'] = m_end e['found'] = seq.seq_fasta.slice(e['begin'],e['end']-e['begin']+1) else poly={} poly['begin'] = m_start poly['end'] = m_end # the next pos to pattern's end poly['found'] = seq.seq_fasta.slice(poly['begin'],poly['end']-poly['begin']+1) polys.push poly end end poly_size=0 polys.each do |poly| #puts "NEW POLY: #{poly.to_json}" if poly_near_end(poly['end'],seq.seq_fasta) # near right side #puts "near end" a = seq.new_action(poly['begin'],poly['end'],type) a.right_action=true actions.push a poly_size=poly['end']-poly['begin']+1 add_stats('size',poly_size) else #puts "far of end" if check_poly_length(poly['begin'],poly['end']) and (check_poly_percent(poly,poly_base)) #puts "ok" a = seq.new_action(poly['begin'],poly['end'],type) a.right_action=true actions.push a if @params.get_param('middle_indetermination_rejects')=='true' seq.seq_rejected=true seq.seq_rejected_by_message='Indeterminations in middle of sequence' end poly_size=poly['end']-poly['begin']+1 add_stats('size',poly_size) end end end end def check_poly_length(poly_start,poly_end) #puts "poly_length: #{1+(poly_end-poly_start)} nt" return (1+(poly_end-poly_start)) >= @params.get_param('poly_n_length').to_i end def check_poly_percent(poly,poly_base) # count Ts en poly['found'] s=poly['found'] ta_count = s.count(poly_base.downcase+poly_base.upcase) #puts "poly_percent: #{(ta_count.to_f/s.size.to_f)*100}%" res=((ta_count.to_f/s.size.to_f)*100 >= @params.get_param('poly_n_percent').to_i) return res end def poly_near_end(pos,seq_fasta) max_to_end = @params.get_param('poly_n_max_to_end').to_i res = (pos>=(seq_fasta.length-max_to_end)) end def exec_seq(seq,blast_query) $LOG.debug "[#{self.class.to_s}, seq: #{seq.seq_name}]: removing indeterminations N+" actions=[] # find simple indeterminations at end of sequence match=seq.seq_fasta.match(/[nN]+$/) if !match.nil? found=match[0].length a = seq.new_action(seq.seq_fasta.length-found,seq.seq_fasta.length,'ActionIndetermination') a.right_action=true actions.push a #Add actions seq.add_actions(actions) actions=[] add_stats('indetermination_size',found) end find_polys('[N]',seq,actions) seq.add_actions(actions) end #Returns an array with the errors due to parameters are missing def self.check_params(params) errors=[] comment='Minimum number of Ns within the sequence to be rejected by having an internal segment of indeterminations. Indeterminations at the end of the sequence will be removed regardless of their size and without rejecting the sequence' default_value = 15 params.check_param(errors,'poly_n_length','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='Minimum percent of Ns in a segment to be considered a valid indetermination' default_value = 80 params.check_param(errors,'poly_n_percent','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='Maximum distance to the end of the sequence to be considered an internal segment' default_value = 15 params.check_param(errors,'poly_n_max_to_end','Integer',default_value,comment) comment='Rejects sequences with indeterminations in the middle' default_value = 'true' params.check_param(errors,'middle_indetermination_rejects','String',default_value,comment) return errors end end